[Nfbc-info] Introduction

Anita Ogletree anitaogletree at icloud.com
Tue Sep 9 14:43:51 UTC 2014

Sent from my iPhone

Good morning!

I have joined this list believing that by doing so I can finally get myself on track.

Earlier this year I moved to Oakland and I spend my time between two of my sister's homes, one of which lives in Stockton. I have been on this list before so there may be some who recognize my name.

Over the years I have travelled to California attending school in San Francisco some 20 years ago.  Unless there is a life-altering event that forces me to move to another state, I do not believe I will be moving again.

So I am reaching out to those of you that have dealt with life in the transportation system and how accommodating the various services are for blind customers.  I am curious to know if anyone can (or is willing) to share their challenges with Amtrak.

I would like very much to join a church in Stockton but I currently reside in Oakland. Is Zamtrak accessible for blind persons that utilizes this services?

If I haven't caused everyon on the list to hit your delete button I'd appreciate some input concerning this.

Thank you.


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