[Nfbc-info] FYI FW: Announcing the CTP 2040 Webinar!

Michael Hingson mike at michaelhingson.com
Sun Mar 1 10:28:15 UTC 2015



From: Xavier, Joe at DOR [mailto:Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov] 
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2015 7:44 AM
To: Xavier, Joe at DOR
Subject: Announcing the CTP 2040 Webinar!



During the month of March 2015 Caltrans will be hosting seven statewide
workshops that will give the public the opportunity to discuss the State's
future transportation system and provide input on the State's long-range
transportation plan - the California Transportation Plan 2040 (CTP 2040). 

To kick-off the extensive interactive effort with the public the CTP Project
Team will host a webinar on March 5, 2015 from 2-3 p.m. that will provide an
overview of the CTP 2040 and an open comment period. 

Please click on the following link and complete the registration information
to attend the upcoming CTP 2040 online webinar.


You may also register through the CTP 2040 website at:


 Thank you, 

The CTP Project Team 
Office of State Planning
Division of Transportation Planning
California Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 942874, MS-32
Sacramento, CA 94274-0001

If you prefer not to receive future notices, please send a reply to this
email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.


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