[Nfbc-info] FYI FW: Speak to California Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)
Michael Hingson
mike at michaelhingson.com
Wed May 6 13:41:37 UTC 2015
Michael Hingson
From: Xavier, Joe at DOR [mailto:Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 7:10 PM
To: Xavier, Joe at DOR
Subject: Speak to California Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)
In December 2014 the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR),
California Department of Education (CDE), and California Department of
Developmental Services (DDS) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to
further advance the State's "Employment First" Policy and other federal and
state laws to address employment in integrated settings, at competitive
wages, for individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental
disabilities (ID/DD).
The three departments are in the process of developing a blueprint that aims
to support the achievement of competitive integrated employment (CIE) for
individuals with ID/DD. The CIE blueprint is being developed with assistance
from Disability Rights of California and the public, and will identify
changes in policies, practices and regulations.
If you are a consumer, parent, or advocate; or, you work in partnership with
the DOR, CDE, and/or DDS to provide services and/or employment opportunities
to individuals with ID/DD, please join us in our second public forum on
Friday, May 15, 2015. The purpose of the forum is to share current
information and collect stakeholder feedback on the development of the CIE
We look forward to hearing your ideas and recommendations for the following
. How can existing services, such as day programs and work service
programs, be modified to become the stepping-stones to CIE opportunities for
individuals with ID/DD?
. What are some innovative strategies we could use to create new or
improve existing resources that support individuals in preparing for or
engaging in competitive integrated employment?
. We have heard feedback from consumers and their families that there
is a need for more job preparation services prior to engaging in employment.
o What skills should the job preparation services focus on improving
to better prepare consumers for employment?
o What are other barriers or concerns that consumers and family
members have about consumers entering into CIE?
o What suggested strategies do you have and how might these strategies
be implemented statewide?
Teleconference details:
Friday, May 15, 2015
10:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
CALL IN NUMBER: 888-889-5008
Contact us at <mailto:CaliforniaCIE at dor.ca.gov> CaliforniaCIE at dor.ca.gov if
you have any questions.
For more information please visit the California Health and Human Services
California CIE website.
Thank you,
Joe Xavier
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