[Nfbc-info] Aiming high in California

Angela Fowler fowlers at syix.com
Tue Nov 3 18:24:49 UTC 2015

Hello fellow Californians,

                At our recent NFBC state convention, we heard Pam Alan and
Garret Mooney talk about the bill we are pushing for in congress which will
establish voluntary guidelines for the accessibility of online instructional
material. It was first known as the TEACH act, then the SMART act. While it
is very smart indeed, we aren't calling it that anymore either. It is now
AIM-HEA, which stands for Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher
Education Act. If you have ever grappled with inaccessible textbooks, online
learning platforms or college web sites, I don't need to tell you how
important this legislation is. To pass this critical legislation, we need
your help.

                First, if you are a blind student, have been a blind
student, or work with blind students, and you have experience with online
instructional material, we need you to tell us about it. Write up a brief
letter telling us of your experiences both positive and negative, and send
them to Gabe Cazares, our brilliant and hard-working government affairs
specialist, at gcazares at nfb.org

                Second, we need some folks who are willing to do some
advocating on our college campuses. We need as many colleges as possible to
sign off on letters explaining why guidelines for accessibility of online
education is so important. The more colleges we can get on board, the better
chance this legislation has of passing. If you are a student and you want to
take this on, email me at fowlers at syix.com

                With 53 representatives in the house, California has a lot
of power in congress. That means we all are in a unique place to push for
positive change. I urge all of you to get involved in this effort which will
forever change the lives of blind students for the better!


Angela Fowler


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