[Nfbc-info] 3-hole punched tractor feed braille paper

Mary Willows mwillows at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 15 20:17:15 UTC 2016

Hi Fred:
Mary Willows here.  Boy, this is a good one.  I am copying attorney Tim
Elder on this message so it gets his attention.  One other question I would
have is...
Don't all banks deduct a fee as well as the amount requested when making a
Is the card you are using a prepaid debt card?
Up here, in the north, we have a service called "Be My Eyes".  A blind
person calls up the app on your iPhone and sighted people answer.  You hold
up your phone camera so they can see what you are asking about and they
answer any questions that you might have about the object.  Recently, I
needed to know what all the buttons on my new rice cooker said.  So I opened
the "Be My Eyes" app and a girl answered the phone.  I pointed my
phone/camera at the rice cooker and she told me what the buttons said.  I
selected the button for white rice and then the power button.  It took
about3 minutes to get the rice cooker working.  I loved it.  Great service.
If there isn't something similar in so Cal maybe you can try to download the
app on your iPhone and use it from your laundry room.  Just a thought.

I am going to try to use be my eyes to read the color chart for my hot tub.
The only way to know if it needs chemicals is to match a color chart to a
test strip which you put in the water.  Our world is always changing.  You
are doing the right thing by reaching out and asking the experts.  Someone
on this list will have experience with this.

Here is another thought.  Have you considered a laundry service?  Up here,
in the San Francisco bay area, there are laundrymats that will wash and fold
for you.  If you are paying $6.00 per load, it might be worth finding a
laundrymat that will do it all for you.  

--Mary Willows

The National Federation of the blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future.  Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. 
You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.

National Federation of the Blind of California (NFBC)
3934 Kern Court
Pleasanton, CA 94588

Thank you,
Mary Willows, President NFBC
mwillows at sbcglobal.net 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbc-info [mailto:nfbc-info-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Fred's
Win7 Catastrophe via Nfbc-info
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 1:32 PM
To: NFB of California List
Cc: Fred's Win7 Catastrophe
Subject: Re: [Nfbc-info] 3-hole punched tractor feed braille paper

Hello again Federationists!
Do blind people have a right to know prices, and what amount is being
deducted from our debit cards?  Do you know what accessible commercial
washer and dryer technology is available?
Under new management, my apartment complex switched to new washers and
dryers in our laundry room. Big front loading Speedqueens, each machine has
2-digital displays, and instead of Quarters, they require a debit card.
I kinda have the card swipe figured out, but cannot read that display.
It'll say things like, "Please swipe card,"  "Authorizing," 
"No Balance," and who knows what else.  I'd like that info to be spoken, but
it's not essential.
The other display shows different prices as I select different washing or
drying options, then it'll begin a countdown clock once the machine is
running. I would like to know the prices, and what amount is being sucked
out of my card account.
Are there any accessible versions of these stupid machines?
Do I have a legal right to know prices and debits before I authorize them?
Do I have a Legal Right to know when and how much I'm spending on what?
The vendor that we are leasing or bought these junky monsters from says
they've never heard of such a thing.  (Wasn't there a Superbowl ad that
showed talking appliances?)

Part of that vending company is called WashView or WaveVision, and I can
supposedly monitor our laundry room through
<http://www.washview.com>www.washview.com.  That's a feature for 
people who cannot tell time, I assume.   HaHaHaHeeheehaw!   Also 
seems odd that a company that calls itself "WaveVision," wouldn't put a
little thought into nonvisual access!

To add insult to injury, a load of wash and dry used to cost $1.75-total.
The new machines cost me about $6-total.

Please feel free to pass this email on to others who may be helpful!

near San Diego

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