[Nfbc-info] windows ten and attachments question

Lauren Merryfield lauren at catlines.com
Mon Jan 29 05:07:26 UTC 2018


I often get "expand header" or "collapse header" instead of attachments. How
do I get my Windows ten, Outlook 16, to stop saying that unhelpful thing?


Also, how do I get attachments to open somewhere else besides Microsoft
Edge, which totally does not work for me?


Lauren Merryfield, who thought she had all of that figured out


Blessings in Jesus' name! "Today, I do not have the illusion that I am the
center of the universe, that I should try to make everyone love me, that my
opinions are facts. My illusions are being replaced with enlightenment, my
resentment with serenity, my anger with love."-author unknown

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