[NFBC-Info] Please distribute the following informaiton to parents of blind children

Shannon Dillon shannonldillon at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 22:14:40 UTC 2019

To:  Parents of visually impaired students

From:  CAPVI

Re:  Off-Campus Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Lessons

Date:  11/1/19


As of January 1, 2020:

•School districts, county offices of education, and charter schools
are “authorized” to

•“consider elements of the Expanded Core Curriculum” when assessing
and when providing services to students with visual impairment.  This
means students can received assessment and specialized instruction if
needed in

•Functional Academics and Assistive Technology by a Teacher of the
Visually Impaired (TVI);

•O&M by an O&M Specialist; and

•Social Interaction, Independent Living, Recreation & Leisure Skills,
Career Education, Sensory Efficiency, and Self-Determination by either
a TVI or O&M.

•O&M evaluations must

•be conducted by “appropriately certified specialists” (O&M Specialists)

•be designed, according to student need, to be done in

•“familiar and unfamiliar environments”,

•“varying lighting conditions” (especially for students with night
blindness), and

•“home, school, and community”.

•O&M services are permitted “before or after school hours” (for
students with vision-related needs that cannot be provided during
school hours).

•The education agency must provide “effective transportation” for
community-based O&M instruction.


STEP 1:  Wait for January 1, 2020:

STEP 2:  Make a written request to the school district.  (see attached
sample letters)

STEP 3:  If your request is denied or if it is not met, contact an advocate.

•Disability Rights California (DRC):  916-504-5800

•Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF):  510.644.2555
v, 510-841-8645 fax/tty

Sample letter:  child has not been assessed sufficiently:

My child, ______________, is visually impaired.  I request that my
child be assessed in the following areas, in accordance with CHAPTER
778, Sections 56353 and 56354 of the California Education Code
(“Visually impaired pupils:  expanded core curriculum”):  (insert here
any area of the Expanded Core Curriculum listed above, including
travel around the home area, travel throughout the community, and
travel in unfamiliar areas).  Please respond in writing to this
request. Thank you.


Sample letter:  child needs lessons outside of school hours or in the community:

My child, ______________, is visually impaired.  I request that my
child receive (TVI or O&M) services outside of school hours/in our
community/in our home area in accordance with CHAPTER 778, Sections
56353 and 56354 of the California Education Code (“Visually impaired
pupils:  expanded core curriculum”).  My child has demonstrated need
because (examples):
•My child’s vision is much worse before and after daylight hours and
is old enough to walk to and from school and to other places when it
is dark.

•My child has academic classes during the entire school day and would
fall behind if pulled out of those classes.

•My child is at/approaching the age at which peers who are not
visually impaired travel independently in their community/in our home
area, and my child needs specialized instruction in order to do the

Please respond in writing to this request.  Thank you.


More Information
•“Visually impaired pupils:  expanded core curriculum”, California
Education Code, Chapter 778, Sections 56353 and 56354:


•Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Title 34, Subtitle B,
Chapter III, Part 300, Subpart A, §300.34, (c)(7)(i), “Related
Services/Orientation & Mobility”:

•California State Program Guidelines for Visually Impaired Students:

•AER Position Paper:


(Link: “Orientation & Mobility (Div. 9) –O&M Position Paper #1– O&M in
Naturalistic Environments”)

Secretary and Legislative Coordinator
National Federation of the Blind
of California
The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and
friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind.
Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they

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