[NFBC-Info] Fwd: FREE Events in Bakersfield for Special Needs Kids!

Cricket Bidleman cricketbidleman at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 02:52:11 UTC 2020

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Matthew Gip <matthewhgip at gmail.com>
> Date: February 19, 2020 at 18:43:47 PST
> To: Cricket Bidleman <cricketbidleman at gmail.com>
> Subject: Fwd:  FREE Events in Bakersfield for Special Needs Kids!
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Jeff Riechmann <courageouskidsclimbing at gmail.com>
>> Date: February 13, 2020 at 4:21:31 PM CST
>> To: Jeff Riechmann <jeffriechmann at cs.com>
>> Subject: FREE Events in Bakersfield for Special Needs Kids!
>> Idaho-based Courageous Kids Climbing will be returning to Bakersfield for the fifth year to coordinate two events for children with special needs, including school-age children who are blind.  Both events are FREE, but reservations are required.
>> On Friday, April 10 from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm, twelve school age children who are legally blind will be invited to visit the Olive Drive Fire Training Facility to check out fire trucks – with their hands!  They will also have the opportunity to meet and talk with firefighters and check out the wide variety of tools that they use to do their job. The kids are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch, which they can enjoy in the picnic area at the training facility.
>> On Saturday, April 11 from 10:00 am until noon, up to twenty children between the ages of 3-months and 103-years with special needs, physical or developmental, (including visually-challenged, hearing impaired, and burn survivors) will be invited to join us at Action Sports on Brimhall Road to experience rock wall climbing in an all-inclusive environment.  We will be bringing our cache of adaptive harnesses and special lifting devices that will allow us to share the climbing experience safely with anyone weighing under 300-pounds.   Local emergency responders will be on-site to help coach the kids as well as to give tours of their emergency response vehicles.
>> I have attached flyers for both events and kindly ask that you please share them with anyone who might be interested.  I also encourage you to please consider posting them on your social media accounts and websites.
>> Registration packets can be obtained by contacting me at either jeffriechmann at cs.com or courageouskidsclimbing at gmail.com. 
>> Thank you for your time as well as your continued support!
>> Jeff Riechmann
>> Event Coordinator
>> Courageous Kids Climbing

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