[NFBC-Info] LightHouse, Youth and Family events, July 2020
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
lhnews at lighthouse-sf.org
Thu Jul 2 17:52:04 UTC 2020
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This monthly newsletter highlights upcoming Youth programming and events at the LightHouse, plus community resources.
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Enchanted Hills Camp: Virtual Youth Session, July 6 – July 10
[cid:image027.jpg at 01D6505E.D13A5FE0]<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/enchanted-hills-camp-virtual-youth-session/?mc_id=9043>
Photo caption: A group of teens smile while sitting on a bench outside the dining hall at Enchanted Hills Camp.
As you may know, EHC is currently closed for in person programs this summer, however that won’t stop us from having a virtual Youth Session. During the week of July 6 through July 10 EHC would like to invite youth who are blind or have low vision under the age of 13 from all over to join us for our daily camp programs between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Our daily Zoom-based activities will be led by blind or low vision staff and will consist of music, art, and interactive games and activities that will allow youth to gain insight from mentors and make friends with other peers.
Who: Youth 13 years of age and under who are blind or have low vision from anywhere they can access a zoom meeting.
What: EHC virtual summer camp session with daily programs that will include: art, music, and interactive games
When: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Monday July 6 through Friday, July 10
Where: from the safety of your home via Zoom meeting
RSVP: meeting information will be shared with those that sign up by Friday July 3rd with Jamey Gump jgump at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:jgump at lighthouse-sf.org>.
Parents/Guardians: We love your help getting your children connected to our virtual camp session, however once they have joined, we ask that you please give them the space to participate independently.
Enchanted Hills Camp Virtual Counselor-in-Training Program, July 6 – July 10
[cid:image028.jpg at 01D6505E.D13A5FE0]<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/enchanted-hills-camp-virtual-counselor-in-training-program-2/?mc_id=9038>
Photo Caption: A mentor teaching a young EHC camper about trees.
The Virtual Enchanted Hills Camp Counselor-in-Training Program (CIT) focuses on developing blind and low vision leaders through job exploration and
virtual-based learning experiences. Training takes place through discussion, observation and practice under the supervision of the administrative staff at camp. Most importantly a successful applicant will develop a strong work ethic that they can apply to any leadership experience.
This program is designed for teens ages 16 to 18 who are blind or have low vision and are serious about improving their leadership skills by learning to work with children and/or adults in a rigorous camp setting. The importance in this training program is the experience CITs will gain by working with the EHC counseling staff.
Upon completion of the Enchanted Hills Camp CIT program, CITs will be better prepared to work with adults, their peers and children of all ages, interests, and abilities. Participants will also walk away with self-advocacy skills, increased social and independent living skills, plus new friendships.
We encourage applicants with a variety of previous camping experiences to apply. Contact Tony Fletcher at TFletcher at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:TFletcher at lighthouse-sf.org> for more info.
YES Summer Academy Goes Online! Youth Employment Series (YES) July 6 - August 7 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
[cid:image029.jpg at 01D6505E.D13A5FE0]<https://lighthouse-sf.org/yes-summer-academy-2020/>
Photo Caption: A YES Academy Student smiles as she social distances while walking down Market Street in San Francisco.
The LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Youth Employment Series (YES) is excited to offer our re-designed 2020 Summer Academy for transition-age (16-24) blind and low vision youth. Despite the many changes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, youth will continue to have the opportunity to fill their summer with engaging and valuable learning experiences. Come and participate in independent living skills training, employment readiness projects, peer social hours and mentoring conversations, all while connecting with life-long friends, mentors and supportive LightHouse staff. The YES Virtual Summer Academy is a five-week-long interactive experience for youth to:
• Gain first-hand knowledge of building confidence and positive identity
• Learn collaboration and how to be a team player
• Identify strengths and interests
• Gain a sense of direction through personalized job exploration
learning activities.
The YES Virtual Summer Academy will culminate with youth expanding their web of support, exploring their career interests and equipping themselves with tools (i.e. career/strength assessment plans, creating a working resume, interview strategies, etc.) as they continue their journeys toward competitive, meaningful employment.
Learning activities include:
The opportunity to conduct informational interviews with professionals resulting in relevant job exploration, counseling and labor market information.
Discuss, analyze and complete projects on important topics related to the world of work such as making a good first impression, orientation and mobility skills needed to commute to work, self-advocacy and negotiating disability accommodations and assistive technologies for the workplace.
Hone their workplace readiness soft skills such as practicing effective collaboration, drafting and delivering presentations, and exploring
independent living.
Participants will increase their understanding of resources, services, and knowledge in the areas of self-advocacy, requesting accommodations, college education necessary for certain career paths, financial literacy including benefits planning, as well as legal rights and responsibilities of blind and low vision individuals.
Transitional age youth (ages 16-24) will have the opportunity to elevate their attitude and confidence by meeting with successful blind and low vision peer mentors and professionals pursuing various careers as well as cultivate community with peers who have similar interests or transition aspirations.
Youth will have the opportunity to practice setting, progressing and achieving professional and personal goals. They will learn the importance of informed decision making in order to solidify and achieve their individualized projected post school employment outcomes.
During the five weeks, participants will explore and acquire skills through a combination of seminars (Mondays), group-based discussions (Wednesdays), one-on-one coaching sessions (Fridays), as well as application activities and projects. The Summer Academy will encourage students to reflect and apply their learning experience to their lives and be more prepared for when that dream opportunity arrives.
If you have any questions, please contact Ann Wai-Yee Kwong at youth at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:youth at lighthouse-sf.org> or 415-694-7328.
EHC Virtual Teen Camp Session, July 16 – July 25
[cid:image030.jpg at 01D6505E.D13A5FE0]<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/enchanted-hills-camp-virtual-teen-session-2/?mc_id=9054>
Photo Caption: Group of young campers sit around the fire circle at Enchanted Hills Camp.
EHC Teen Session is on! It may be through zoom but that won’t stop us from sharing good times with our camp community. Between July 16 and July 25 EHC will be hosting teens who are blind or have low vision from all over for a series of virtual camp programs. To bring camp to the teens in our community we have planned zoom based activities that will remind you of camp and allow you to sleep in. Below is the full agenda and more information on how to sign up for our first ever virtual Teen session at EHC.
Who: Teens who are blind or have low vision from anywhere they can access a zoom meeting.
What: EHC virtual summer camp Teen Session
Where: from the safety of your home via Zoom meeting
When: See schedule below
RSVP: meeting information will be shared with those that sign up with Alyah Thomas at athomas at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:athomas at lighthouse-sf.org>.
Teen Session Schedule
Thursday, July 16
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Crip Camp Movie and Discussion
Crip Camp starts in 1971 at Camp Jened. A summer camp in New York, it is a "loose, free-spirited camp designed for teens with disabilities". The film focuses on campers who turned themselves into activists for the disability rights movement.
Friday, July 17
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.: Virtual Concert (featuring Cristina Jones)
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Origami Project with Julie Cabrera
Saturday, July 18
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Opening Teen Campfire
Monday, July 20
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: What’s the latest at EHC from Gardens to the Cabins?
Presentation of the rebuilding efforts at Enchanted Hills Camp 7:00 pm
to 9:00 pm
Tuesday, July 21
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.: So, You Think You Want a Guide Dog?
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Teen Talk - Being Real
Discussion group facilitated by current and former Enchanted Hills Camp staff on issues that impact blind/low vision teenagers in school, work and social life.
Wednesday, July 22
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Art with Julie: Making Clay
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Social Justice/Advocacy Discussion
The definition of advocacy is the act of speaking on the behalf of or in support of another person, place, or thing. Learn how advocacy and social justice work together in this engaging workshop.
Thursday, July 23
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Art with Julie: No Sew Stuffed Animal
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Music Trivia Night - Hosted by Masceo
Test your knowledge with Music Trivia questions and answers with Masceo – Fun night for sure!
Friday, July 24
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Art with Julie: Tie Dye Night
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.: Virtual Concert (Fernando Apan)
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Talent Show: Hosted by Masceo
Come one, come all. If you can sing, play and instrument, recite a poem, tell a story or tell a joke, everyone is invited to contribute to the talent show.
Saturday, July 25
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Closing Campfire
If you are interested in joining an EHC Virtual Teen Camp Session, please email Alyah at athomas at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:athomas at lighthouse-sf.org>.
So You Think You Want a Guide Dog (online), Tuesday, July 21, 1:00 – 3:30 p.m.
[cid:image031.jpg at 01D6505E.D13A5FE0]<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/so-you-think-you-want-a-guide-dog-online/?mc_id=9019>
Photo caption: A Labrador puppy sitting on the floor looking up. Photo by Sarika Dagar
Are you curious to learn more about guide dogs but don't know where to start? This workshop will cover how to decide if a guide dog is right for you, what skills you need before applying to schools, common misconceptions about guide dogs, how to pick a guide dog school, what to expect during the application process, and how to best prepare for school once you are accepted. Please RSVP to Briana Kusuma at bkusuma at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:bkusuma at lighthouse-sf.org>.
Note: this workshop is open to visually impaired youth and adults (high school age and older) and will take place online over Zoom.
Special Announcements
Not so Bored Game Night and Reel Escape Audio Description Movie Club will take a short break during the EHC summer camp programs and will return in the Fall. To sign up for fall activities, please contact Jamey Gump at (415) 694-7372 or jgump at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:jgump at lighthouse-sf.org>.
Save the date
July 6 – July 10, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
EHC Virtual Youth Session<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/enchanted-hills-camp-virtual-youth-session/?mc_id=9039> (Online)
July 6 – July 10, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
EHC Virtual Counselor in Training Program<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/enchanted-hills-camp-virtual-counselor-in-training-program/?mc_id=9034> (Online)
July 6 through August 7, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m (on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's)
YES Virtual Summer Academy<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/yes-summer-academy-online/?mc_id=6747> (Online)
July 16 – July 25, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
EHC Virtual Teen Session<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/enchanted-hills-camp-virtual-teen-session-2/?mc_id=9045> (Online)
July 21, 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
So You Think You Want a Guide Dog<https://lighthouse-sf.org/mc-events/so-you-think-you-want-a-guide-dog-online/?mc_id=9019> (Online)
Remote learning and recreation opportunities
[cid:image013.png at 01D65058.E1D38C10]<http://>
Photo Caption: A drawing of hands typing at a laptop with Wi-Fi signals emulating from the computer.
These programs are not affiliated with LightHouse.
Virtual Expanded Core Education Learning (ExCEL) Academy for Students with Visual Impairments
In this time of need, if you are looking for ways to provide virtual services or activities for your student or child who is visually impaired, please join us for the launch of free nationwide programming. We hope to offer engaging lessons for students with a variety of abilities. We also hope to model ways that online learning could be used for services. We understand that children’s needs are unique and that lessons may not apply for all kids, but we are dedicated to working out a plan to provide as much as we can. We will continue to update the list of instructors’ names and topics as the schedule evolves. Learn more about the Virtual ExCEL Academy at Paths to Literacy.<https://www.pathstoliteracy.org/resources/Virtual-ExCEL-Academy>
Free audiobook “Meet Me Accessibly – A Guide to Zoom Cloud Meetings from a Blindness Perspective”
Get the audiobook at mosen.org/zoom/.<https://mosen.org/zoom/>
Other Links that may be of interest
Described and Captioned Media Program<https://dcmp.org/>
Learn Guitar with Austin Classical Guitar<https://letsplayguitar.org/node/1>
450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free<https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/ivy-league-free-online-courses-a0d7ae675869/?fbclid=IwAR2EPAszI1OGemGs1vXq64MoT9NBepaPzBBLyqxcIGsMgCtPGWYnY1F9AWg>
Scholastic releases free daily courses for kids stuck home amid coronavirus school closures<https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html>
12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch<https://people.com/travel/stuck-at-home-these-12-famous-museums-offer-virtual-tours-you-can-take-on-your-couch/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-share-article&utm_content=20200313&utm_term=7728056&fbclid=IwAR2usL9y_LAVhVLRS5YUFL4u2-hiHlp0347vZk7Ntuwa4XT9s0WysMEmCrI>
About us
At LightHouse, we know that blind kids and young adults can accomplish the same tasks as their sighted peers. Getting through school, having a social life and finding a good job are all attainable goals, especially with enrollment in LightHouse’s
Youth Programs.
Our dynamic workshops offer enjoyable and practical experiences, positive role modeling and foster creativity, self-esteem and ambition.
Click this link to learn more about youth programs:
Copyright © 2020 LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, All rights reserved.
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Lee Kumutat | Director of Communications
Phone: +1 (415).694.7309
Email: lkumutat at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:lkumutat at lighthouse-sf.org>
[LightHouse For The Blind And Visually Impaired Logo]<https://lighthouse-sf.org/>
1155 Market Street, 10th Floor SF 94103
Visit us online:
Website<https://lighthouse-sf.org/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/lighthousesf/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/lighthouse_sf> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/user/LFTBSF> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/lighthouseblind/>
Our offices have had to close for now, but LightHouse is still very much open. Online assistive technology training, virtual socializing and community health and wellbeing classes are just a few of the sessions for which you can sign up. Visit our events calendar often to find out what’s on: lighthouse-sf.org/calendar<https://lighthouse-sf.org/calendar>
And give what you can to help us provide these crucial services by filling out the secure form on our donations page at: lighthouse-sf.org/donate<https://lighthouse-sf.org/donate>
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