[NFBC-Info] Diabetes Action Network

tmanosh at gmail.com tmanosh at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 23:46:06 UTC 2020

Hello Everyone!


The Diabetes Action Network of California will be having our annual meeting
this year during California's State Convention on October 23, 2020 at 12:30
p.m. PDT.

Our speaker will be Eileen Ley from the Diabetes Action Network National
Board. Her topic is titled "Debunking Myths about Type 2 Diabetes".    

The agenda for State Convention will be out in the next few days and it will
let us know the phone numbers to use on the Zoom platform.


Now, for the order of business is the collection of dues.  You will have
several ways to pay your $10.00 dues which give you voting rights, making
motions, and running for office.


You can write a check made payable to the Diabetes Action Network of
California in the amount of $10.00 and contact me either by phone or email.
I will need to receive it by October 22, 2020, Thursday. 


There are two other ways to pay if you prefer:

Apple Pay - my cell 916-202-3486

PayPal:  nfbcrivercity at gmail.com

Be sure to select "friends and family" 


If you are paying for more than one person please include their first and
last name.  We will need this info for when it is time to vote.


If you are having any issues with the on line payments please contact me.


Thank you, 

Tiffany Manosh

Treasurer, Diabetes Action Network of California


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