[NFBC-Info] President's notebook, September 2022

Cricket X. Bidleman cricketbidleman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 22:41:37 UTC 2022

Hi folks,

I got some emails saying that the scholarship form links weren't
working. they have since been fixed. Here's a link to the convention
page. From there, you can navigate to the scholarships heading, and
click on the links to the English and/or Spanish pages.




On 9/1/22, Cricket X. Bidleman <cricketbidleman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> I hope you’re all getting excited for our convention in November.
> We’ll be in San Diego, but you can also participate virtually. Please
> visit nfbcal.org/convention for more details. The page is being
> updated as we get closer to the event, so feel free to check every
> couple of weeks.
> On that page, you’ll find links to the pre-registration form (in
> English and Spanish), and the scholarship application (also in English
> and Spanish). Please share this email with anyone who may be
> interested, including students who are eligible for the scholarships.
> Additionally, Cheryl has booked a 47-passenger bus to convention.
> Round-trip seats cost $45, and will be given on a first-come,
> first-serve basis. The bus will leave from 9147 Central Ave.,
> Montclair, Ca. 91763, on November 3 at 1:00 PM. Contact your chapter
> presidents, who will be responsible for collecting money and
> information from you, and for returning money to Cheryl.
> We are also looking for volunteers to help run the hospitality suite
> at convention. Contact Allison Depner (adepner1425 at gmail.com) for
> details.
> And a couple of events below. If your chapter is running fundraisers
> and/or events that are not listed in the monthly updates, ask your
> chapter presidents to send me the details in a timely manner. Thanks.
> Best,
> Cricket
> Escondido Chapter Shakie’s Pizza Fundraiser
> The Escondido Chapter will be having a fundraiser at Shakie’s Pizza on
> September 13, 2:00-6:00 PM. Please contact Raquel Montoya at
> ramontoya at mysero.net with any questions.
> Save the date! “Blind, Sealed, Delivered” October 8th
> to the big stage on Saturday, October 8, 2022 at the Garrdena Moose
> Lodge. Please contact Rochelle Houston at  rhouston58 at gmail.com with
> any questions.
> --
> Cricket X. Bidleman, B.A (she/her/hers)
> M.A Candidate | Stanford Journalism Class of 2022
> Co-Chair | Stanford Daily Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
> Member | Blind Advisory Committee, California Department of Vocational
> rehabilitation

Cricket X. Bidleman, B.A (she/her/hers)
M.A Candidate | Stanford Journalism Class of 2022
Co-Chair | Stanford Daily Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Member | Blind Advisory Committee, California Department of Vocational

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