[NFBC-Info] California President's Notebook

adepner1425 at gmail.com adepner1425 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 01:04:22 UTC 2023

Hello California Affiliate Members,


As you know, Cricket Bidleman, the previous individual who took on the
responsibility of putting together the California President's Notebook, has
accepted a position with the National Office. Yay Cricket!! Of course,
Cricket's good fortune means that she has moved out of the state and can no
longer lend her expertise to the newsletter. Therefore, yours truly, Allison
Depner, will be taking on this duty. 


I am looking forward to reading about all of the exciting chapter events and
activities each month. It will be my pleasure to help spread the word about
all the dynamic work chapters are doing.


How to Make a Submission to the newsletter. 

If you would like the details about  an upcoming chapter event such as a
seminar, fund raiser, or social activity included in the newsletter, please
e-mail the pertinent information to  <mailto:adepner1425 at gmail.com>
adepner1425 at gmail.com. Please send your submission as either a Word document
or in the body of your message. Make sure to include the following details.

1.	The name of the event.
2.	The date and time of the event.
3.	The name and contact information for the person Who Can answer
questions regarding the event.
4.	A brief description of the event.
5.	RSVP information if applicable.


Submission Deadlines

Board submissions:                       20th of Each Month

Chapter Sponsored Events:          23rd of Each Month


Note: I realize that these deadlines are coming up fast. Therefore, for the
August 2023 newsletter, I'll accept submissions until July 28th. This may
mean that I won't be able to send out the newsletter on August 1. I will do
my best to act quickly, and it is my intent to iron out most wrinkles in the
process by September. In the meantime, please be patient with me. 


Well, I think I've covered just about everything. If you have any questions
or suggestions, please contact me via the information below my signature.



Allison Depner,

National Federation of the Blind of California, San Diego Chapter Secretary

(619) 952-2352

Adepner1425 at gmail.com <mailto:Adepner1425 at gmail.com> 

You Can Live the Life You Want. 

Blindness is Not What Holds You Back!


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