Brian Buhrow buhrow at nfbcal.org
Sun May 21 01:30:48 UTC 2023

	Hello NFB of California members and friends.  The San Jose/Silicon Valley chapter of the
NFB is pleased to offer a grant of $500 to 1 elligible candidate to help with the expense of
travelling to the 2023 NFB National Convention in person in Texas.  Applications may be submitted at 
the link below and are due before June 1, 2023.
This grant is a reimbursement grant in the sense that the recipient will receive the money at
the convention.  If the recipient cannot attend the convention, the grant will not be awarded.

Requirements to be elligible for the grant are as follows:

O  Applicants must file their application at the link below by no later than June 1, 2023.

O  The selected applicant will not receive the money until they are at the convention.

O  Preference will be given to first time conventionattendees, but this is not a strict
requirement to receive the grant.

O  Preference will be given to San Jose/Silicon chapter members, but, again, this is not a
strict requirement.

To make yourself more competitive, tell us a little about yourself and why attending the
convention is special for you in the essay portion of the application.

	We will notify the recipient by no later than June 18, 2023.

To apply visit:


Brian Buhrow, Secretary, NFB of San Jose/Silicon Valley

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