[NFBC-Info] DeafBlind Division fundraising anointment.

mmines1 presidentdeafblindnfb at maurice-amines.com
Sun Oct 22 17:46:45 UTC 2023

Hi  all  here  is. Something that  you all  might  like.

The leaves are falling and it's time to think about the best snacks to have around the fireplace and during family time. The DeafBlind Division of the National Federation of the Blind have you in mind!. We are fundraising until Sunday November 5 for our Convention Volunteer Service Support Person (SSP) program so that more DeafBlind members of the NFB can come interact and enjoy our National Convention this coming July. Help support the administrative costs and be a part of helping members attend and take part in our wonderful NFB Convention experience!  Use this “https://poppinpopcornonline.com/store/store.php?sID=WDVCUH”     to find popcorn, candy, and other favorites!  Can't find what you like? Please consider a direct donation to the DeafBlind Division “https://nfb.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=44”
Thank you for your support!


Maurice Mines, President 

National Federation of the Blind Deaf-Blind Division 

Email: presidentdeafblindnfb at maurice-amines.com  

Website: www.nfb.org <http://www.nfbdeaf-blind.org> 

Live the life you want. 

The National Federation of the Blind Deaf-Blind Division, a proud division 

of the National Federation of the Blind, is a community of members and 

friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day 

we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.   


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