[NFBC-Info] First Call for 2024 Resolutions

Bryan Bashin bryan at getbashin.com
Tue Jan 23 18:42:27 UTC 2024

California Federationists,

Two months from now we'll gather in the Sacramento area to advance blindness philosophy and our movement's goals.  Part of that is our resolutions process, where we collectively address current opportunities and  injustices we've seen in California.   These resolutions are our collective voice, and  any NFBC member can write, advocate and help pass them.

This year President Tim Elder has appointed a committed resolutions committee.  Each of them will work with members to get draft resolutions into the right form to vote on during our convention.  If you have seen a problem which is statewide, affects many blind people, and you wish to give it the  attention it deserves, please feel free to contact any member of the Resolutions Committee, including me.

We'll work with you to get the resolution drafted.  But please don't last-minute the group.  The final day to submit draft resolutions is February 28th at 5:00 pm.

The members of the committee and their email addresses are:

Shannon Dillon shannonldillon at gmail.com<mailto:shannonldillon at gmail.com>
Tim Elder  tim at timeldermusic.com<mailto:tim at timeldermusic.com>
Ever Lee Hairston ever.hairston at gmail.com<mailto:ever.hairston at gmail.com>
Rachel Grider rachel.grider at gmail.com<mailto:rachel.grider at gmail.com>
Cricket X. Bidleman cricketbidleman at gmail.com<mailto:cricketbidleman at gmail.com>
Jamie Principato (Personal) blackbyrdfly at gmail.com<mailto:blackbyrdfly at gmail.com>
Bryan Bashin bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>

All are ready to discuss your resolution ideas and help you prepare a first draft.  We look forward to those conversations.

Your help in advancing issues for the blind of California is most appreciated.


Bryan Bashin
Resolutions Committee Chair

Please note I am currently migrating from two old email accounts: bashin at calweb.com<mailto:bashin at calweb.com> and bbashin at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:bbashin at lighthouse-sf.org>. Please update your address book and email me only at bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>.

Bryan Bashin
Mobile: 510.725.1549
bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>

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