[NFBC-Pathfinder] Pathfinder chapter meeting minutes and treasurers report

Rochelle Houston rhouston58 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 04:37:57 UTC 2022

National federation of the blind of California
Path finder chapter meeting minutes
July 21, 2022

Meeting started at 10:58 AM
Prayer: Betsy
Song: Jeffrey
Pledge of Allegiance: everyone
Federation pledge: Tina
It was moved by Jeffrey and seconded by Charlotte that Minutes for
June were read with the necessary corrections that Betsy wasn’t going
to bring refreshments.
Welcome: Rochelle Houston
Sick and Shut in: Lucille Walker, Addie Moor, and Jackie Stewart
July Birthdays: Nellie, Nicholas
All Chapter dues should be sent to Betsy Estrada. Next time to pay
dues is October.
Meeting attendees: Rochelle Houston, Ruthie Houston, Betsy Estrada,
Nellie Cardenas, Michael Richardson, Lena foster, Janette Stewart,
Sandy Balani, Charlotte Carrol, Nicholas Rocha, Tina Thomas, Jeffery
Sims, Arietta Woods
The State convention will be held in San Diego, November third to
November 6th. At the Mariotte Court yard. Room reservations are open
as of now. Rooms are $149 plus tax a night. night.
The second Fundraiser will be held at the Sizzler in Culver City. The
Second Thursday of September. Our meeting place will host their
reopening from 10 AM to 12 PM on July 29.
Our Chapter annual BBQ will be held on Saturday August 20th. Members
will pay $20 and non members will pay $25. August 15th will be the
last day to pay for the BBQ in advance.
IT was moved by Arietta And Second by Betsy that we adjourn the
meeting at 12:34 PM.
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