[NFBC-SFV] Elections

Robert Stigile rstigile at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 18:32:49 UTC 2023

Hello All,
Tomorrow, we will be having elections at the mini NFBC convention and I need to know how you would like me to vote if the elections come to a chapter delegate vote.
The nominating committee met and if you have not seen the report they have submitted the following:
Board position 1: Held currently by Michael Richardson President of the Inglewood Chapter who assists at state and national Conventions and serves as a ambassador at conventions is seeking reelection.
Board position 2: CURRENTLY held by Cheryl Thurston President of the Inland Empire Chapter and is the chair of our exhibit hall at state conccvention is seeking reelection.
Board Position 3: Currently held by Veronica Martinez is not seeking reelection, the nominating committee has placed the name of Jamie Principata Krane for election who is the president of the San Jose  chapter.
Board position 4: Currently held by Karen Steele who is serving a one year term and would like to remain on the board to fill the two year position and has been on the board in the past, however the nominating committee has placed the name of Shelbi Felter in nomination for that position who is a member of our chapter and is also currently the President  of the Students division in California.
Make this easy for everyone, please e-mail me your four choices no later then 10 am tomorrow morning  directly and copy ron who is our alternate delegate at the following e-mail addresses:
rstigile at gmail.com
bowlstorm at yahoo.com

Thank you,
Robert Stigile, President
San Fernando Valkey Chapter

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