[nfbcs] Buffalo Link Station Software

Peter Donahue pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com
Mon Aug 20 21:52:21 UTC 2012

Good afternoon everyone,

    We're sitting here with one external hard drive maxed and another one 
threatening to go south on us any time. We're researching Network Attached 
Storage Systems and am very impressed with products from Buffalo 
Technologies. Their "Link Station" series includes models for home and small 
office. The Link Station Pro is one system under consideration. I've 
included a link to Buffalo's product page that discussed this particular 
model and what it has to offer users. The URL is:

   We'd like to hear from those who have used Buffalo Network Attached 
Storage devices and their software to obtain feedback as to its 
accessibility before laying out the dough. Their Web site is very blind 
user-friendly and includes documentation in various file formats. And there 
are no captchas to deal with if you need to fill out one of their forms! 
Yay! If anyone on these lists has used any of Buffalo's NAS products your 
feedback and reviews will be very much appreciated. Pay day is just over a 
week away and the clock is ticking on our 1 TB external hard drive. Thanks 
in advance for the feedback.

Peter Donahue

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