[nfbcs] BMC Remedy web-based client
Aaron Cannon
cannona at fireantproductions.com
Wed Jan 18 01:21:40 UTC 2012
Another option might be for someone with some JS skills to create some
greesemonkey scripts that could perhaps dynamically improve the
accessibility of the interface with ARIA and such.
On 1/17/12, Louis Maher <ljmaher at swbell.net> wrote:
> Tracy,
> I do realize that setting up tests within a company can take months per
> test; however, here are a couple of ideas.
> If you are using JAWS, can you use the JAWS cursor to find the link, and
> click on it with your mouse emulator button? You should have a sighted
> person around to describe the results. A window might open in another part
> of the screen.
> For a year, I used Window-Eyes 7.2. Often it did a better job on webpages
> then did JAWS. Putting JAWS and Window-Eyes on the same machine caused
> issues. Even putting one screen reader on a machine after another screen
> reader has been removed caused issues. I had to complete reimage a machine
> before I could use another screen reader.
> Lastly, Is it possible to view the Remedy webpage with an IOS device?
> The SAFARI web browser might work. You could be the first in your company
> with an I-Pad.
> The Remedy web solution will come to me at the end of this year. Good luck
> to all of us.
> Regards
> Louis Maher
> 713-444-7838
> ljmaher at swbell.net
> http://www.nfbtx.org/localchapters/houston
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of John Heim
> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 2:24 PM
> To: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [nfbcs] BMC Remedy web-based client
> I don't think there is any law in the USA that says that software has to be
> accessible. There is a law called the Rehab Act that says that agencies of
> the government of the United States can't buy inaccessible software if there
> is an accessible alternative. I think it was the Rehab Act that the NFB used
> to get several universities to stop their plans to buy their students kindle
> book readers. There is also a law that says that consumer communications
> equipment has to be made accessible. That is the Twenty-First Century
> Communications and Video Accessibility Act. Then there is the ADA which the
> Justice Department recently said applies to web sites.
> But like VMWare or Microsoft Word... I don't think there is any law covering
> software like that. I doubt it would be illegal for a company to buy an
> inacccessible software package and then fire a blind person for not being
> able to use it. The company could argue that using the software is an
> essential part of the job. They could say that a blind person simply cannot
> do the job. Nobody wants a blind airline pilot for example. If there is a
> screen reader that would allow you to use the software, they'd have to buy
> you that. But if no screen reader could work with their software, I believe
> they could show you the door.
> The greatest hope for progress on accessible software is for us to put some
> teeth into the Rehab Act. The success of the Kindle suit shows how well that
> can work. If government agencies like colleges and universities, most of
> which take funding from the federal government, cannot buy a software
> product because its inaccessible, then companies would be highly motivated
> to make their products accessible. In fact, I believe this is the reason
> VoiceOver exists. Apple didn't write VoiceOver out of the goodness of their
> collective heart. No, they wrote it so they could continue to sell computers
> to colleges and universities.
> The NFB has really taken some major steps in this direction in the last
> couple of years with the Kindle lawsuit and the one against Penn State
> University. Any university in this country is as guilty as Penn State. If we
> can light a fire under university administrators, software developers will
> sit up and take notice. They don't want to be locked out of the academic
> market.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tracy Carcione" <carcione at access.net>
> To: "NFB in Computer Science Mailing List" <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 12:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [nfbcs] BMC Remedy web-based client
>> Hi Gary.
>> I wish your answer surprised me. I'm pretty damn tired of accessibility
>> being regarded as "something nice to do."
>> So what was the outcome for you?
>> Tracy
>>> My experience comes from 18 months ago and it was bad. I inquired of two
>>> companies about their interest in scripting a solution. They were less
>>> than
>>> enthusiastic. I pushed my company to apply pressure to BMC. They too were
>>> less than enthusiastic, viewing accessibility as a nice thing to do
>>> rather
>>> than complying with the law.
>>> It may be that in your job this is not a necessity, but in mine it was
>>> much
>>> more substantial. It is the way I got assignments, the way I reported
>>> progress on them, the way I tracked time, and the way I was evaluated.
>>> Gary
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>> Behalf
>>> Of Tracy Carcione
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 10:24 AM
>>> To: nfbcs at nfbnet.org
>>> Subject: [nfbcs] BMC Remedy web-based client
>>> Is anyone using the BMC Remedy web-based client?
>>> We just moved to it. The old PC-installed client was difficult, but
>>> useable. The web-based client has links and looks accessible, but I have
>>> so far been unable to open any of the sub-menus under Change Management,
>>> for example, "Group Manager", or "Assign To".
>>> I asked my sighted co-worker, and he "hovered" the mouse over the link,
>>> but I didn't see what he saw, and I don't know how to "hover the mouse"
>>> with Jaws. I tried the left click, the right click, the Applications
>>> key,
>>> and just hitting enter on what looked like a link, but, if a menu
>>> appeared, it wasn't anywhere near where I was.
>>> I thought the web-based Remedy would be an improvement, but I may not be
>>> able to do this part of my job anymore. It's not a vital part, but it is
>>> annoying for all concerned.
>>> If anyone has any experience with this thing, I could sure use some
>>> advice.
>>> TIA.
>>> Tracy
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