[nfbcs] first programs?
Suzanne Germano
sgermano at asu.edu
Tue Jan 21 16:25:15 UTC 2014
I don't remember what my very first programs were but they were on an apple
2e. My first languages were Pascal and then COBOL and C. My big COBOL
program in school was a employee reporting system mostly for payroll.
Now that I have returned to school, I am working in Java, C++, Prolog and
Scheme. Prolog and Scheme were very strange at first.
On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 7:11 AM, Hyde, David W. (ESC) <
david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us> wrote:
> Ok. I never became a computer programmer. The first one I wrote though was
> in Fortran, and it was one just to move a knight around a chessboard, and
> to print the results on the line printer. I was between my sophomore and
> junior year in high school, and I remember we worked on a Honeywell 1150.
> Had a big surprise when I learned that things like the period and coma were
> not in the same place on the keypunch machine as they were on a typewriter
> keyboard. Now if you want to repeat this message
> 300 do, 400 i(50)
> 310 I = I+1
> 400 If I = 50, go 410
> 410 continue
> Thanks for this thread. It does bring back memories of long ago.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ryan Stevens
> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 9:10 PM
> To: 'NFB in Computer Science Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: [nfbcs] first programs?
> The first full program I wrote was my end-of-year project using the Basic
> language on the legendary Radio Shack TRS-80 during my senior year of high
> school (1984). It was a music trivia game where if the player got the
> answer wrong, an ASCII human stick figure got blasted by a "laser beam"
> from above. If the answer was correct, the beam did a sudden left, missing
> the figure. From what I remember, the game randomly selected five
> questions from a pool of fifteen or twenty, and the player's score was
> shown after the final guess with corresponding message ("Good job", "Bad
> luck", etc).
> Ryan Stevens
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Littlefield,
> Tyler
> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 7:22 PM
> To: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
> Subject: [nfbcs] first programs?
> Hello all:
> Given that this is a cs list, I kind of had a fun topic. As brought up by
> one of the most recent threads, I wrote a "swim" program a while back. This
> was one of my first programs I ever actually wrote for the pc, and was
> written for a school project in my 6th grade class using Libertybasic. I'd
> totally forgotten the program or the language itself, but it seems LB is
> still alive and kicking. I don't really remember much of the details of the
> program, just that it was a very very basic game, if it can be called that.
> What were some of your first projects?
> --
> Take care,
> Ty
> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he
> that dares not reason is a slave.
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