[nfbcs] accessible design software
Bryan Duarte
bjduarte at asu.edu
Tue Jul 28 19:21:23 UTC 2015
Hello Marvin,
I would like to echo what Jim said and that it is important to understand what these UML and State Chart diagrams look like and why they are used. In my Software design class I worked with a group to develop these diagrams for our team project although I did things a little different. As Doug said I did not see a link in Gregs post but here is the system I used which will allow you to use XML to create State Charts and other diagrams. There are a few different tools you might need to download and use to export the XML as a visual model but if your professor needs you to demonstrate your understanding of what is going on in the state charts this was completely acceptable by my professor. Honestly if you can write the diagram in XML and represent the states of a program it is pretty clear you understand what the visual model is doing as well. Here is the link to the tool by Apache I am speaking about and I also attached a small example for you to see...
http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-scxml/ <http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-scxml/>
Go Devils!
Bryan Duarte
ASU Software Engineering
QwikEyes CEO
> On Jul 28, 2015, at 6:26 AM, Jude DaShiell via nfbcs <nfbcs at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> If the output from whatever software is being used doesn't show up in some form of ascii the screen reader isn't going to read it to you. If the software has example files that are ascii in nature then you have a chance. You may have to study those diagrams enough so you understand what all those symbols mean if the software isn't otherwise accesible in terms of input and output interfaces. If you do end up having to do that and use a text editor to create your diagrams, try to segment the diagrams so for example you can use the pieces you make to build other diagrams with them. Structured programming and structured diagram building are alike in this respect. If you already are fluent in latex that's another and different possible avenue for you to investigate. If you don't have a knowledge of latex, probably now isn't a good time to learn. I think I remember reading that graphvis could do some of this stuff but that was a while ago and I never had exposure to the package. Also, if you do a google search for that package put a tilde in front of it ~graphvis since I may not have spelled it completely correctly.
> --
> Hi.
> Pasting an e-mail, from my lectuer.
> Have to do use, case, state and other diagrams.
> I am a blind it student, and this is a core subject.
> Any ideas.
> I use a screen reader jaws for windows from http://www.freedomscientific.com
> Any ideas, any software, which will help.
> Must be some software, that can design accessible diagrams.
> Any ideas.
> Marvin.
> Marvin, that is a shame. I understand that diagrams are visual
> representations, but to stop visually impaired from creating or using them
> is not great.
> There is a core Unit of Competency that is required to be completed for this
> qualification. The important part of this unit is.
> Elements and Performance Criteria
> Elements describe the essential outcomes.
> Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate
> achievement of the element.
> 1. Derive high-level design from specification
> 1.1 Develop static class diagram from given set of specifications
> 1.2 Develop either collaboration diagram or sequence diagram from given set
> of specifications
> 1.3 Develop either activity diagram or state diagram from given set of
> specifications
> 2. Refine design
> 2.1 Investigate and refine behaviour, state of classes and collaboration
> between classes
> 2.2 Validate correct visibility of class services and state data
> 2.3 Identify generalisations within classes
> 2.4 Identify specialisations within classes
> 2.5 Apply principles of aggregation and composition to refine class design
> 3. Document design
> 3.1 Create detailed uniform modelling language (UML) static class diagrams
> 3.2 Create detailed UML collaboration or sequence diagrams
> 3.3 Create detailed UML activity or state diagrams
> If you have any thoughts about how you could address these requirements? May
> I suggest sending these requirements to some blind colleagues and see what
> they might suggest.
> Unfortunately, as this is a core unit of competence I am unable to change it
> to another unit.
> Let me know your thoughts.
> Regards,
> From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe at gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 10:34 AM
> To: Darrell Klar
> Subject: business needs assignment
> Hi.
> Well.
> No accessible diagram software, so how do I do this assignment.
> Unless, there are some more accessible ways to describe applications, or
> processes, unless, iuse the entity designer in visual studio.
> Any ideas.
> Did ask a few blind tech people on a few tech lists, but no answers yet.
> Marvin.
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