[nfbcs] This python library has changed the way I program in python.

Littlefield, Tyler tyler at tysdomain.com
Sat Jun 3 19:10:23 UTC 2017

Which means... you should all give it a look: pip install attrs and
check it out. There are some great examples here:


and the documentation is amazing..

The tl/dr of the amazing features of this library literally come down to
making your classes more pythonic, removing boilerplate and making
creation of classes a million times easier, and once you learn the
library development much faster.


Take Care,
Tyler Littlefield

Tyler Littlefield Consulting: website development and business
solutions. <http://tylerlittlefield.me> My personal site
<http://tysdomain.com> My Linkedin
<http://linkedin.com/in/tylerlittlefield> @Sorressean on Twitter

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