[NFBCS] Some Access Questions for Intro CS Class
Nathaniel Schmidt
schmidty2244 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 10:22:29 UTC 2020
Hi Timothy,
Do you know offhand as to whether there is any major difference between the jamalmazrui/edsharp and the empowermentzone/edsharp repos? I ask for clarification because most of Jamal’s code seems to be on his own personal GitHub.
Nathaniel Schmidt
Undergraduate student
Bachelor of Computer Science (S306)
School of Information Technology
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
Deakin University, Cloud campus
Std. ID: 220493627
E: njschmidt at deakin.edu.au
M: 0439591709
GitHub: https://github.com/njsch/
Skype: nathaniel_schmidt1994
> On 5 Aug 2020, at 5:44 am, Timothy Breitenfeldt via NFBCS <nfbcs at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi Natalie, I use python all the time.
> I am not personally sure about PyCharm, I think I remember looking at
> it and it not being very accessible or accessible at all, but not sure
> on that one.
> Github is great, I would recommend downloading the git client here:
> https://git-scm.com/downloads
> There are other ways of using Github, but the git command line
> interface is my preference. Don't get sucked into using the github web
> interface, it is a pane, and most people don't touch it much except
> for grabbing links to clone or pull requests.
> At this point, not sure what platform you are on, weather windows,
> mac, or linux, and the screen reader you are using, however, assuming
> windows, yes the python repl is great.
> I personally use NVDA on Windows, but either way, if on windows, you
> can either change the NVDA cursor or JAWS cursor to read the window. I
> can give more detail on either depending on which you are using.
> An alternative, there is a great command prompt keyboard shortcut in
> windows 10, control plus m, which turns on mark mode. This allows you
> to press up and down arrow through your command prompt window output
> without changing the screenreader cursor. You can also use your usual
> selection commands to select text and copy it from the window. Press
> escape to get out of mark mode.
> Web pages is pretty ambiguous, but screen readers are designed to
> handle the reading of web pages, assuming that the web developer did
> not do anything crazy,and forget about accessibility.
> I tend to use ED Sharp for writing python code, and running in the
> command line, you won't get things like auto complete and other fancy
> things that a standard development environment will give you, but ED
> Sharp was created for screen readers, and handles indentation great,
> which is very important for python as you will eventually see.
> Here is the ED Sharp download page:
> https://github.com/EmpowermentZone/EdSharp
> This is a windows only code editor, so if you are using a mac, you
> will have to look into something else. I don't have a lot of
> experience using a Mac, but some.
> Hope this helps,
> Timothy Breitenfeldt
>> On 8/4/20, Natalie via NFBCS <nfbcs at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I'm new to the list and apologize if these issues have been explored
>> before.
>> I will be taking a university intro CS class this fall and have been in
>> contact with the professor around what platforms will be used to
>> troubleshoot accessibility. Below is a list of some programs I was hoping
>> to
>> gather info about.
>> * PyCharm, a tool for writing Python code
>> * GitHub, a widely used code hosting platform where students store
>> their code
>> * Repl.it, provides a way to embed live code samples into the course
>> web pages
>> Does anyone know if the above are screen reader accessible and if not, do
>> you know of any good alternatives?
>> I tried a quick test of repl.it and was able to see the code, but could not
>> seem to access the output.
>> Any info is appreciated. Thanks!
>> Sincerely,
>> Natalie
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> --
> Timothy Breitenfeldt
> Phone: 509-388-7262
> Skype: timothyjb310 at outlook.com
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothybreitenfeldt/
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