[NFBCS] Command Line Editors
Jack Heim
john at johnheim.com
Wed Jan 1 22:50:12 UTC 2020
I haven't used jaws for about 20 years but there used to be an email
list to talk about jaws scripts. I posted a script there to recognize a
password prompt and turn off character echo. I doubt that script exiss
any more but I'm sure someone could reproduce it.
On 1/1/20 1:24 PM, Nicole Torcolini wrote:
> What screen reader? Any chance that you could mount the remote file system to Windows and use a Windows program?
> From my experience, JAWS does not work well with commandline. It often reads the wrong character/line, and most of the JAWS navigation commands, especially navigate by word, do not work--you end up writing some weird character. I have also found that I have to use a Braille display to really know what I am doing.
> I do not know if NVDA works any better.
> Oh, and make sure that you use headphones when typing passwords as JAWS speaks passwords characters in the commandline, even though they are not shown on the screen.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NFBCS [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jack Heim via NFBCS
> Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2020 9:32 AM
> To: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
> Cc: Jack Heim
> Subject: Re: [NFBCS] Command Line Editors
> Systems programming for which system? I am going to guess linux. If so,
> I do all my systems programming in gedit.
> On 12/31/19 9:21 PM, Haoran Wen via NFBCS wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I will be taking a system programming course next semester and will be
>> working in the command line a lot. So I am wondering are there any
>> recommendations for command line editors that works well with screen
>> readers?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Haoran
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