[NFBCS] The New Microsoft Edge

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at outlook.com
Sat Jan 18 18:13:35 UTC 2020

Curtis and others,

When there are issues such as checkboxes and other controls that don't appear to act as they should, Microsoft seems most responsive to what is reported to the Disability Answer Desk as you have often recommended.  In addition, the Feedback Hub, accessed with Windows Key and the letter F is another vehicle to do that.  There have been other cases recently where some controls were useable but departed from standard keystrokes even though the mouse interaction did not change.  When reported, Microsoft, at some level, seemed unaware of some of these inconsistencies and have been willing to at least look into inconsistencies to understand what was happening.  Reporting these things as they pertain to Edge seems particularly important since this browser will likely play a major role in the Windows world in the future.

I appreciate hearing your experience.

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson

From: NFBCS <nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Curtis Chong via NFBCS
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2020 11:37 AM
To: 'NFB in Computer Science Mailing List' <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Curtis Chong <chong.curtis at gmail.com>
Subject: [NFBCS] The New Microsoft Edge

Greetings everyone:

I have downloaded and am now using the new Microsoft Edge browser. I confess that while it does indeed work as well as others have indicated, I find little incentive at this point to make Edge my default browser, with all due respect to the fine folks at Microsoft who doubtless have put in lots of hours to get this working. The user interface feels very much like Google Chrome. This is no surprise given the use of the Chromium engine for this new browser. From what I am reading, there is another version of Edge due to come out in the next few weeks, and I am optimistic that this, too, will work.

My greatest difficulty with Edge was the user configuration. Some of the checkboxes could not simply be checked or unchecked with the space bar. also, I had some trouble finding out how to delete files and autocomplete settings every time I closed the browser, but in the end, I was able to find this setting. Incidentally, if interested, the run command in Windows to start Edge is "msedge".

Good job Microsoft. Keep it up.


Curtis Chong

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