[NFBCS] Snippets w/screen readers

Lewis Wood lewislwood at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 13:48:10 UTC 2022

I have an irritating issue with snippets and screen readers.  My braille
display has been in California for repairs (14 days), so I am now solely
screen reader. They are backlogged, hopefully only 1 week left.


Braille display you can tell where you are in a snippet as you enter data
for tab stops.  Although I wish $(1:label) worked better.  Seems if you have
multiple $1 it goes to first one without a label option.  Thus can be
annoyinging and confusing.

  No distractions, and you must pay close attention on the tab order in
order to do it correctly.


Below is a snippet I wrote back in late June, that I find handy).  Oh, HL(
is my console.log( aria-live console.log.  So just ignore.

My snippet:

     "Class Method with Try": {

    "prefix": "cmt",

    "body": [

" $1(  $2 ) {",

"try {",


"} catch(e) {",

"hl('$3.$1 error: '+ e.message);",

"}; //  catch",

    "}; // $1 "     


    "description": "Creates a method with try and logging."





So my main question is who should I report the issue to? vscode  uses
emmet.io for it.  So vscode or emmet.io?


Snippets and emmetters are a must and handy. They reduce type-o's and
provide consistency in coding.



Lewis Wood

lewislwood at gmail.com <mailto:lewislwood at gmail.com> 




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