[NFBCS] broken braillenote mpower

Brian Buhrow buhrow at nfbcal.org
Thu Jan 20 18:40:25 UTC 2022

	hello.  Do you know what kind of connector it is that you need?  I'd be very surprised if
you can't fabricate a replacement cable from readily available parts from an electronics store.
If you know the kind of connector it is, you can probably find exactly what you need on Amazon.
I'm guessing it's a 2-wire mollex connector, or something very similar.  Another option is to
take the thing down to your local Batteries plus Bulb store, open, so the clerk can see the
connector on the circuit board, and ask them if they can make you a cable, including, possibly,
new batteries.  They'll charge you for the service, but I bet they can do it.

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