[NFBCS] Test Email

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Tue Jan 3 02:14:13 UTC 2023

Brian, you are of course correct.  However, this list isn't set to 
convert html to text.  I will double check -- but not sure what is going on.


At 06:30 PM 1/2/2023, Brian Buhrow via NFBCS wrote:
>         hello.  Whether or not the messages get converted to plain 
> text is a setting in the
>Mailman software.  This is a list-specific option and I'm guessing 
>David sets the default
>setting such that HTML gets converted to plain text for all lists.
>One reason for doing this, in addition to providing a more uniform 
>experience for all the
>participants on a list, is to cut down on the number of harmful 
>messages that make it through
>the list.  A lot of nefarious things can be hidden in HTML and the 
>plain-text conversion option
>is a quick and easy way to nip that in the bud.
>That doesn't mean we shouldn't turn the option off, but it does mean 
>that the decision to do it
>is more complicated than it might first appear.

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