Brian Buhrow buhrow at nfbcal.org
Wed Jul 26 21:02:42 UTC 2023

	hello folks.  I recently came across the page below from Microsoft which lists all of the
Windows 10 updates since its original release in 2015, along with the notes and changes for
each of those updates.  There are a lot of links on this page, but if you have a question about
what might have changed on your Windows 10 machine recently, at any time, the answer will
probably be found here.   The links are sorted by update date, from latest to earliest, so you
can easily go back through the history from when you think things broke to find the potential
cause.  I'll note that security updates don't document what changed very well, but at least
they note there are changes.   The other, non-security, updates are documented more thoroughly.
It's dry reading, but if you want to diagnose trouble in your environment, it's essential



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