[Nfbf-l] NFB-NewslineR Meeting

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Thu Aug 27 03:01:20 UTC 2009

Hi Sherri and Dan,

This is such exciting news.  It sounds as though the meeting was productive,
and that the communication among all parties went very well.  Thanks so much
for keeping Newsline right where it should be...in the homes, and now the
pockets, of so many blind Floridians.  Terrific job!!


-----Original Message-----
From: nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org]On
Behalf Of Sherri
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:14 PM
To: Dan Hicks; NFB of Florida Listserv; NFBF-Leaders at yahoogroups.com
Cc: West, Renee; Joyce Hildreth; White Scott
Subject: Re: [Nfbf-l] NFB-NewslineR Meeting

Dan, I appreciate you sending out this e-mail to let the lists know about
our most productive and exciting meeting with Joyce Hildreth. I have worked
with Joyce for years and we have always had a very cooperative and friendly
relationship, which carried over into our Newsline ®meeting today. I am very
glad to have had the opportunity to assist Scott White and Renee West in
adding to their demonstrations of Newsline ®and all its new innovative

While Dan was rushing to get his plane home, I was able to have lunch with
Renee and Scott where we discussed many ideas that will help grow NFBF
Newsline ® and continue to keep Florida #1. Please stay tuned for more

I also want to give my thanks to my invaluable Newsline ®committee for their
hard work and for all those volunteers and marketers who spread the word of
Newsline® throughout Florida. I also thank Sabrina Deaton, our past Newsline
® coordinator for helping me in this transition and for her continued

Finally, last but certainly not least, I thank Joyce Hildreth and The
Florida Division of Blind Services for their continued funding of Newsline
®and for Joyce's recognition that Newsline ® is an extremely valuable source
of information for the blind and print-disabled of Florida.

I am honored to be Florida's Newsline ®coordinator. As Dan said, if you have
any questions or want to become more involved with Newsline®, please contact
me. My contact information is below this e-mail. Also, please see Dan's

Sherri Brun, Secretary and Newsline® Coordinator
National Federation of the Blind of Florida
E-mail:  flmom2006 at gmail.com
Phone:  407-898-6024
Toll-Free (Newsline®):  866-603-8578
Past President
National Federation of the Blind Greater Orlando Chapter
There is a Braille literacy crisis in America.
You can be part of the solution.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Dan Hicks
  To: NFB of Florida Listserv ; NFBF-Leaders at yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 8:35 PM
  Subject: NFB-NewslineR Meeting

  Fellow Federation members,

  This morning I was fortunate enough to take part in a meeting at the
headquarters of the Florida Division of Blind Services in Tallahassee. The
subject of the meeting -- NFB-Newsline®.  Also present were Scott White,
NFB-Newsline® Director, Renee West, Director of NFB-Newsline® Marketing -
both from Baltimore; NFBF Newsline® Coordinator Sherri Brun, from Florida,
DBS Director Joyce Hildreth, and DBS Assistant Director Stephanie Wilson.

  I know that many of you are enthusiastic Newsline supporters, and you will
be pleased to know that Joyce, Stephanie, and the Division of Blind Services
leadership and staff are also very much behind the program. Funding for
NFB-Newsline® is assured, at least for the near future. This is assuring to
know, in this time of budget shortfalls and program cutbacks.

  Scott and Renee demonstrated many feature of Newsline, including  Newsline
in Your Pocket, a function which allows you to download entire newspapers to
read on your Victor Reader Stream or other compatible device.

  You will be happy to know that some new features and functions are in the
testing stage and will be available to all of us soon. Go to


  or call Sherri Brun at 1-866-603-8578.or more information.

  We are working on updated Florida's Newsline pages. In a few days check
www.nfbflorida.org/newsline to see what is new.

  Thank you all for supporting NFB-Newsline®!

  Dan Hicks, President


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