[Nfbf-l] Funeral Arrangements for Bonnie Prescott

Sherri flmom2006 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 04:52:56 UTC 2010

Grant and chapter members, I am so sorry for the loss of Bonnie. My thoughts 
and prayers are with you, especially with Paul.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Grant Downey" <grantd at tampabay.rr.com>
To: <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>; "Bonnie Prescott" <nterst8 at tampabay.rr.com>; 
"Charlotte Bogadi" <charlie9 at tampabay.rr.com>; "Chuck Hietala" 
<dhietala at tampabay.rr.com>; "Chuck Huber" <cabbie_164 at yahoo.com>; "Debbie 
Hietala" <crystalbay at verizon.net>; "enrique Oliu" 
<dperry02 at tampabay.rr.com>; "Eric JF Davis" <eric.jf.davis at gmail.com>; "Eric 
Kosten" <ekosten at tampabay.rr.com>; <grantd at tampabay.rr.com>; "Janice Snow" 
<mojokitty57 at gmail.com>; <jellsworth1 at tampabay.rr.com>; "Kim Ellsworth" 
<jbkim72 at tampabay.rr.com>; "Maria Papp" <marita25 at verizon.net>; "Melissa 
Hammons" <missy.hammons at yahoo.com>; "Mike Lamb" <mjlamb at tampabay.rr.com>; 
"Patti Ochi" <ochiandco at gmail.com>; "Peter Reuter" <hnlg at juno.com>; "Richard 
Breedlove" <rsbreedlove2007 at yahoo.com>; "Sead Bekric" <bekric at vcc-fl.cm>; 
"Tammy Anspach" <tanspach at tampabay.rr.com>; "Tenneil Annis" 
<tenneila at yahoo.com>; "Yasen Angelov" <collegeflorida at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:17 PM
Subject: [Nfbf-l] Funeral Arrangements for Bonnie Prescott

>    We are very sad to report that our beloved friend and dedicated 
> Pinellas
> chapter member Bonnie Prescott passed away early Wednesday morning, 
> January
> 20, 2010.
> The Viewing and funeral service will be held on   Saturday, January 23rd
> The Viewing will be held from 9 to 11 A.M.
> The Funeral service will be held from 11 until 12 P.M.
> It will take place at:
> Countryside Cathedral Church of God
> 2701 Rigbys Lane
> Safety Harbor
> for additional information,  Phone: (727)726-7016
> The  grave side service will be from 1 to 1:30 P.M.
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