[NFBF-L] Leadership Opportunity
Z'Leah Liburd
nyirah17 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 21:24:56 UTC 2023
*Hello. Thought this would be cool to share:*
*The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is excited to
announce two opportunities, Fannie Lou Hamer Leadership Program and Summer
Internship Program. Read below for more information and apply today!*
*2023 Fannie Lou Hamer Leadership Program*
*Deadline to Apply: September 25, 2023 at 11:59pm ET*
Fannie Lou Hamer is a well-recognized civil rights activist and organizer
for voting rights. Her work centered on elevating the rights of Black
voters and women, particularly across the state of Mississippi. Hamer had
polio as a child and later became physically disabled due to a severe
beating in a Mississippi jail. In honor of her legacy and sacrifice, AAPD
is proud to host the Fannie Lou Hamer Leadership Program.
The Fannie Lou Hamer Leadership Program
is a fully virtual 10-week program from October 10 - December 19. The
program equips and engages young Black disabled individuals from ages 18-30
who want to grow as community organizers. We’re looking for our next cohort
of leaders who are active and passionate about their communities, seeking
professional development opportunities, that are team players, and
innovative thinkers!
*Apply for the Fannie Lou Hamer Leadership Program*
Participants will receive a $1,500 stipend and will have the opportunity to
create voter engagement materials and content. If you have any questions or
need further Information, please reach out to Levell Strong at
flhprogram at aapd.com.
*2024 AAPD Summer Internship Program*
*Deadline to Apply: October 19, 2023 at 11:59pm ET*
A photo of the 2023 summer intern cohort with AAPD staff outside in a
courtyard. There are people who use wheelchairs, white canes, and other
mobility aids.
The AAPD Summer Internship Program is a professional and career development
opportunity for disabled students and recent graduates. In this program,
participants access meaningful employment, gain leadership skills, and
connect to the broader disability community. We place college students,
graduate students, law students, and recent graduates with all types of
disabilities in a 10-week paid summer internship for 32 hours a week with
Congressional offices, federal agencies, and nonprofit and for-profit
organizations within the Washington, DC area and nationwide.
*Apply for the Summer Internship Program*
For Summer 2024, AAPD will offer a hybrid internship program with some
interns joining remotely from across the country while some interns will be
based in Washington DC.
During the summer, interns will:
- Build their leadership and advocacy skills in our Disability Advocacy
Certificate Program
- Connect one on one with a mentor who has similar professional goals
and interests
- Join virtual weekly community events
AAPD provides all interns with a competitive living stipend, transportation
to and from Washington, DC, and supports for housing and technology. More
information can be found on AAPD’s Summer Internship page
AAPD will host a Zoom webinar on Tuesday, October 3 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
ET for any individuals interested in hearing more about the application,
asking questions, and learning more about the experience from alumni of the
program. ASL and CART will be provided. Register here for the Summer
Internship Program webinar
If you have any questions or additional access needs, please email
internships at aapd.com.
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Z’Leah Liburd (She/her)
National Federation of the Blind of Florida
Vice President, Florida Association of Blind Students
Board number 1, State Wide Chapter
Nyirah17 at gmail.com
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even
touched - they must be felt with the heart." -*Helen Keller.*
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