[NFBF-L] Dollar auction at our 2024 state convention

Peggy Fleischer peggy.lynn.fleischer at gmail.com
Sat Aug 24 21:13:51 UTC 2024

Hello everyone, as you know, we are planning to have the dollar option again this year at our state convention. It is now time to start thinking about what your chapter, group or division might want to donate to the dollar auction. Please keep in mind that we need new or very gently used items and they need to be items that you would want to purchase yourself   Dollar Auction does not mean dollar store items we need items that will bring in lots of dollars so please consider at your next chapter meeting what you might want to donate. We are asking Chapter to spend at least what you would've spent on a basket on products that could be used in the dollar auction. 

Personal donations of items will also be accepted. Just be sure to put your name on them if you want. Your name mentioned. Items will need to be turned in at the convention office by noon on Saturday to be entered into the auction.

Also remember to bring your one dollar bills because no matter how many items we have for sale if you don't have ones to bid on them, you may , find it difficult because this is a dollar auction.

Looking forward to all those one dollar bills. And the wonderful items that I know all of you will donate so that we have the best auction ever.

Peggy Fleischer

NFb-Florida State Board member

Chair person NfbFlorida, blind Christians
Vice President
NFB-FL Greater Daytona Beach Chapter
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