[NFBF-L] Door prizes at our 2024 state convention

Peggy Fleischer peggy.lynn.fleischer at gmail.com
Sat Aug 24 21:26:49 UTC 2024

Hello everyone,

One of the big highlights of our conventions is the opportunity to win door prizes. Once again, we are asking members, chapters, groups, and  divisions to donate door prizes.
 We ask you now  to begin thinking about what you would like to donate. 
Keep in mind that door prizes have to be transported so bring things that people can easily take home.
If you want your name, chapter, group or division mentioned, we need to have your door prizes labeled, preferably in both braille and print  But we can assist you with this if needed.
Please bring your door prizes to convention and turn them in to the convention registration office no later than noon on Saturday the 12th.
Gift cards, cash, and small items would be acceptable donations for door prizes.
Looking forward to hearing your name, called for a door prize at convention.

Peggy Fleischer

NFb-Florida State Board member

Chair person NfbFlorida, blind Christians
Vice President
NFB-FL Greater Daytona Beach Chapter
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