[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: [NFBF-L] Governor DeSantis Signs Florida's Tax Cut Package

Camille Tate ctate2076 at att.net
Sat May 22 16:21:54 UTC 2021

You might find some of the tax break information of interest. 



From: NFBF-L <nfbf-l-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of PLipovsky via NFBF-L
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:30 AM
To: 'NFB of Florida Greater Daytona Beach Chapter List'
<nfbf-daytona at nfbnet.org>
Cc: PLipovsky <plipovsky at cfl.rr.com>; nfbf-l at nfbnet.org
Subject: [NFBF-L] Governor DeSantis Signs Florida's Tax Cut Package




Full message below but at a glance,


Sales Tax Holidays


*	"Disaster Preparedness" Tax Holiday from May 28 until June 6, 2021

This 10-day tax holiday allows Floridians to prepare for hurricane season
while saving money on disaster preparedness items such as flashlights under
$40, batteries less than $50, tarps under $100, generators less than $1,000,
and more. 

*	"Freedom Week" Tax Holiday from July 1 until July 7, 2021

The first ever "Freedom Week" provides 7 days of sales tax savings on
outdoor recreation purchases, such as the first $100 of the sales price of
sunglasses, the first $200 of the sales prices of tents, and the first $500
of the sales price of kayaks or canoes, as well as tickets for events,
museums, the arts, and more.

*	Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday from July 31 until August 9, 2021

Spanning 10 days, Floridians will pay no sales tax for certain clothing of
$60 or less per item, school supplies of $15 or less per item, and the first
$1,000 of personal computers and related accessories.


Tax Cuts to Support Florida's Seniors Living Independently 


HB 7061 creates Florida's first permanent sales tax exemption for
independent living items for seniors in our state. Items like bed transfer
handles, bed rails, grab bars, and shower seats will be exempt from sales
tax for individual purchases.


Ad Valorem Tax Breaks 


To support housing options for all Floridians, the tax package doubles the
ad valorem tax exemption for certain affordable housing properties from 50%
to 100%. Additionally, the bill includes implementation language for a
proposed constitutional amendment providing property tax relief for
residential property improvements made for the purpose of flood mitigation.
This property tax relief is subject to the approval by the voters on the
2022 General Election ballot.



From: DOEPressOffice <DOEPressOffice at FLDOE.org
<mailto:DOEPressOffice at FLDOE.org> > 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 1:11 PM
Subject: Governor DeSantis Signs Florida's Tax Cut Package





For Immediate Release: May 21, 2021

Contact: Governor's Press Office, (850) 717-9282,
<mailto:media at eog.myflorida.com> media at eog.myflorida.com


Governor DeSantis Signs Florida's Tax Cut Package

Will provide over $168 million in savings for families and businesses


PENSACOLA, Fla. - Today Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law House Bill
7061, Florida's Tax Cut Package, to ensure our state remains one of the most
tax-friendly environments in the nation. 


"In Florida, we are providing more than $168 million in taxpayer savings for
families and businesses," said Governor Ron DeSantis. "I'm proud that we
have legislative leaders like Senate President Wilton Simpson, Speaker Chris
Sprowls, Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez, and Representative Bobby Payne who
understand that we empower Floridians through tax cuts - not increases. From
sales tax holidays to permanent tax exemptions helping seniors live
independently, I am committed to continuing to reduce the tax burden for all
residents of our state." 


"I was honored to join Governor DeSantis this morning in Pensacola to
highlight the hurricane preparedness sales tax holiday, just in time for
hurricane season," said Florida Chief Financial Officer and State Fire
Marshal Jimmy Patronis. "With NOAA recently predicting an above-normal
season, it is important now more than ever that Floridians take advantage of
this tax holiday to ensure they are prepared. A huge thank you to Governor
DeSantis and the Legislature for making it easier for Florida families to
purchase critical hurricane supplies to ensure our communities are safe this
hurricane season. I encourage all Floridians to take advantage of this great
sales tax holiday to make sure your family, home, and your property is


"I am grateful to our Governor for signing this important tax relief package
into law. This last year has been quite a challenge for Florida families as
they make decisions about how best to educate their children during the
pandemic. This legislation provides tax relief for families purchasing
supplies for the new school year, which will be great help for those
returning to in-person learning, and also provides savings for computers and
other supplies that would be helpful for remote learning," said Senate
President Wilton Simpson. "We also further incentivize affordable housing
opportunities by expanding the property tax exemption for property owners
who have a long-standing commitment to maintaining their units as affordable
housing properties." 


"Freedom goes with Florida like sunshine and beaches," said Speaker Chris
Sprowls. "Governor DeSantis has done an amazing job in the most difficult of
circumstances not only protecting our economy and citizens - but our
liberty. What better way to celebrate than creating a new tax holiday aimed
at incentivizing Floridians to take advantage of our free and open state?
Floridians deserve a summer of BBQs, fishing, boating, concerts and camping.
We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to enjoy all our state has
to offer. I applaud Governor DeSantis for his leadership, and thank
President Simpson, and Chairman Payne for their work in getting this tax
package delivered."


"We have all been so focused on the pandemic, that it can be easy to forget
that hurricane season is right around the corner. This bill incentivizes
advanced planning with tax breaks on key supplies families and businesses
need for disaster preparedness. As Florida families prepare for a full
return to pre-pandemic life, the bill provides tax relief for a variety of
outdoor events and activities individuals and families can enjoy this summer
and fall," said Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez. "Additionally, we know Florida
is a retirement dream for so many around the country, and we know our
seniors have a much better quality of life when they can stay in their own
homes, or with family as long as possible. This legislation offers a tax
break on items Floridians can use to make their homes safer for older
Floridians as well as other family members who may face mobility challenges,
promoting the independent lifestyle we all value."


"It has been a pleasure to work on this fair and equitable piece of
legislation to ensure businesses and citizens of our great state are able to
receive some tax relief this fiscal year," said Representative Bobby Payne.
"We have a 10-day back-to-school holiday and a 10-day disaster preparedness
holiday. Additionally, we added a new 7-day sales tax holiday known as
Florida Freedom Week that will run from July 1st through July 7th. With
everything that has happened in the past year, we wanted to ensure that as
our state opens our citizens have the opportunity to enjoy all Florida has
to offer. The holiday will include admissions to live music events, sporting
events, festivals, fitness facilities, and state parks as well as certain
boating, fishing, camping, and general outdoor supplies. Outside of sales
tax holidays we were able to provide certain exemptions that will benefit
businesses, schools, the elderly and hardworking Florida families. I am
thrilled with the outcome of the 2021 Tax Package, HB 7061!"


HB 7061 provides more than $168 million in taxpayer savings to families and
businesses in the upcoming fiscal year, including more than $34 million in
recurring tax cuts. Included in the tax package are several components:


Sales Tax Holidays


*	"Disaster Preparedness" Tax Holiday from May 28 until June 6, 2021

This 10-day tax holiday allows Floridians to prepare for hurricane season
while saving money on disaster preparedness items such as flashlights under
$40, batteries less than $50, tarps under $100, generators less than $1,000,
and more. 

*	"Freedom Week" Tax Holiday from July 1 until July 7, 2021

The first ever "Freedom Week" provides 7 days of sales tax savings on
outdoor recreation purchases, such as the first $100 of the sales price of
sunglasses, the first $200 of the sales prices of tents, and the first $500
of the sales price of kayaks or canoes, as well as tickets for events,
museums, the arts, and more.

*	Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday from July 31 until August 9, 2021

Spanning 10 days, Floridians will pay no sales tax for certain clothing of
$60 or less per item, school supplies of $15 or less per item, and the first
$1,000 of personal computers and related accessories.


Tax Cuts to Support Florida's Seniors Living Independently 


HB 7061 creates Florida's first permanent sales tax exemption for
independent living items for seniors in our state. Items like bed transfer
handles, bed rails, grab bars, and shower seats will be exempt from sales
tax for individual purchases.


Ad Valorem Tax Breaks 


To support housing options for all Floridians, the tax package doubles the
ad valorem tax exemption for certain affordable housing properties from 50%
to 100%. Additionally, the bill includes implementation language for a
proposed constitutional amendment providing property tax relief for
residential property improvements made for the purpose of flood mitigation.
This property tax relief is subject to the approval by the voters on the
2022 General Election ballot.


Tax Credits for Florida Businesses


*	Strong Families Tax Credit Program

To help support the wellbeing of children in our state, HB 7061 creates the
Strong Families Tax Credit Program for businesses that make monetary
donations to certain eligible charitable organizations that provide services
focused on child welfare. 

*	Internship Tax Credit

The newly created Internship Tax Credit provides tax relief for Florida
businesses that employ and retain student interns, encouraging companies to
hire young Floridians attending college in our state. 

*	Brownfields Tax Credit Program

The bill also provides a one-time increase in funding of $17.5 million for
the Brownfields Tax Credit Program to fund a backlog of approved credits.
This program, administered through the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection, incentivizes businesses to clean up and redevelop hazardous
sites to protect our environment and economy. 


The full text of House Bill 7061 is
Oz0biIeUHoTFiJd%2FCHxjEII%3D&reserved=0> available here.








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