Dr. Joyce Taylor dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 6 21:26:07 UTC 2023





Meeting Call to Order:  The NFBF, MSCC July 8th CHAPTER MEETING WAS CALLED
TO ORDER AT 10:00 am.


 It was held in person and via Zoom.


Roll Call:  Camille Tate, President, Joyce Taylor, VP, Board Members:  Maria
Rigogliosi, Morgan Haslett, Javier Molinares had previous engagement.,

Agenda for Chapter Meeting 

Invocational Prayer:  Nancy Hallo

At this time, an invite by Camille joined via Zoom named Milano Hyacinth.


Pledge of Allegiance:   Maria Rigogliosi  




Camille explained the meaning of our Pledge and elevator speech as well as
our Constitution in a nutshell to the newcomers.


Secretary's Report:  The May 13th and June 10th Chapter Minutes were both
accepted as e-mailed.  Nancy made a Motion to accept and Maria 2nd.  There
was no discussion and no opposers.  Motion was carried.


Treasurer's Report:  Camille asked if the May, June and July's reports could
be Tabled until the August meeting.  Camille did state that the WFC monies
that were received ($680 plus Javier's $15 donation) were deposited.  She
was not able to do report for today because she attended National Convention
and returned last night.  Joyce Taylor made a Motion to Table until August
and Morgan 2nd.  There was no discussion and no opposers.  Motion was
carried.   Camille will read report for the Board in August and then the


Action Items:

We welcomed two newcomers, Linda Paulin and Milano Hyacinth.     Linda was
at June meeting as well, but she introduced herself today.  Originally from
Cincinnati, Ohio and now resides in Palm   Bay; low vision, attended BAAB.
She was voted in as an official member and will pay dues in August.  Morgan
Hazlett made a Motion to accept Linda Paulin as an official member, Nancy
Hallo 2nd.  No discussion, no opposers, Motion carried.


Next, Milano Hyacinth introduced himself as a National Convention  attendee
for approx. 5 years .  Never involved at a local, state or  Affiliate level.
He is a professional and did some mentoring on a professional level;
however,  never joined a local chapter.    He has a wife and three children,
totally blind and is a Software Engineer. Would be glad to be a member and
help others with his resources and to learn   while moving forward.  Maria
made a Motion that Milano Hyacinth be a member of the MSCC, Joyce Taylor
2nd; no discussion, no opposers, Motion carried.


Elections were discussed.  Our elections are staggered:  odd years, we elect
Vice President, Treasurer, Board Members 2 and 3, even years, we elect
President, Secretary and Board member # 1.  Since we are lacking in some of
our positions, and one of them is for A MID-TERM, so in August, we will be
running elections for VP, Secretary (for 1 yr. Interim seat), Treasurer and
Board Members 2 and 3.  If you are current with dues and in good standing,
you have the right to run for a seat, nominate And  vote - that's why you
pay your $10 dues.


Comments:  We need a Secretary because Joyce is  our VP  filling in for
Secretary, and we need a Treasurer because I, Camille, has been filling in
for Treasurer.  Policy states that I am not suppose to be handling Treasury
work.  So, if no one runs for Treasurer in August or no one is appointed by
November, I will turn our Treasury over to the  Affiliate, the State,
because technically, we are in violation.  There will be NO virtual voting.
This policy comes from National Office - we are one  Organization.  You must
be in person to vote.  


Nancy asked if Morgan's seat would be up for election.  The answer was YES.
Nancy then asked Morgan if he planned on running again?  He said that he
didn't know at this point - He thinks that he will be running.  Nancy also
asked Joyce if she was planning on running.  Joyce answered, "You Betcha",
Yes, I am.  Camille stated that she is certain that Javier will run again.
Camille's seat is up next year, and she is contemplating not running again;
she will have been President for 8 years, and there comes a time to step
down and move forward because she plans to be out of this County by 2024,
unless she finds a job in Brevard which she loves.  Because of the economy,
Law School has been put on the backburner because a job is more important
right now.  Also, she is tired!  However, she will remain on the Affiliate
Board.   She has started a few Programs on the Affiliate Board that she
wants to continue, and one of them is training to become Leaders.  Chapter
President is not hard, but doing both positions are.  She travels a lot and
do assignments as 2 VP for the Affiliate as well as Chapter President.
Usually, we, the MSCC, do not meet in July but this year she returned in
time.  Stated that  she will never give up Legislation  or RESOLUTIONS ,
those are her passions, so she will remain on the State Board, and as long
as she is in Brevard, will remain a Chapter member.  


Maria announced that there will be a workshop next week here at the Center
for 55 and over  for affordable housing.  If anyone desires to attend, she
needs to put a transportation list together and see if she can get it
approved by SCAT.


Camille also mentioned that she would like to see more Chapter members
present at the meetings.  Maria does a lot of work compiling the list and
submitting to the bus company and people   don't show up or even call to
cancel, and we waste so much time going to homes and no one comes out.
Maria and SCAT have a problem when common courtesy is not shown.  I,
Camille, has a problem when members don't show because we barely have quarum
today to conduct business.  We seem to be getting half of our members to
show up and will end up making decisions for the entire Chapter.  In person
is the best way to fellowship, a lot of people are all Zoomed out.  There
will be an e-mail sent out about attendance and no shows or calls to cancel
bus in a timely fashion.  


Also, President Martinez would like to see more Chapter members participate
on the Affiliate Zoom calls.   A s of next year, we can no longer use
Camille's participation on the State Board to get the free room. Members
must attend Affiliate calls or events; this is one of the ways how they
determine who gets the free room at State Convention - by our participation.



Someone   asked a question as to why people don't show up, and Camille
directed the question to Maria. Maria addressed the question by answering
what she felt were some reasons why people   don't show, e.g., illness; if
she is aware of illness, she will double check; however, it is up to the
member to call. 


Nancy stated that now that she is not on the Board, it is hard to keep up
with the dates of the meetings.  


It was stated that every second Saturday is the Chapter meeting, and the
Board meeting is always the Monday prior to the Chapter meeting unless
something comes up like the June 29th situation.  E-mails are usually sent
by Tues. or WED. TO    notify all that have e-mails.  Those that do not have
e-mail gets a call or text if they request to be put on Joyce's list.  


Socoro stated that because of our disability, it is hard to keep schedules
of things because we cannot see the calendar, and Bill forgot to put it on
her schedule.  We must add their e-mail to the list.


Also, Camille stated she doesn't always answer her phone, so leave a voice
mail, or a sure way to reach her is text.  


Nancy agreed to assist with calls for August if needed.


At approx. 10:45 am, one of our guest speakers Andy from Accessible
Pharmaceuticals joined the meeting and Camille politely asked him to give us
about 15 mins. to finish up.  He was okay with that because he was waiting
for Mary Ann to join the call.  


Camille elaborated on the National Convention in Houston.  In 2024, it will
be held in Orlando at the Rosen Cent3er from July 3rd thru July 8th, and we,
the NFBF, will Host it.  The Chapter does not assist with monies for
National except for registration which is $25, National can be expensive.
If the Board chooses, you will be reimbursed.  However, if you pay late,
there is a$5.00 charge which you do not get reimbursed. However, the State
does have a Sponsorship Program.    


Camille discussed Legislation, Resolutions and Website Accessibility until
our second guest speaker joined the call.  


Joyce asked how many at this meeting plan to go to the Oct. Convention?  Th
e response was Nancy, Milano, Joyce and Morgan is planning to go.


At 11:00 am, Mary Ann from Accessible Pharmaceuticals joined the meeting.
Andy is co-founder and current CEO of AP.  He started the presentation  with
History and Mary Ann concluded buy sharing what Accessible Pharmacy Services
for the Blind which is a Home Delivery service, has to offer.     There
number is 1 888 633 7007 or ask SIRI  to call Accessible Pharmacy in PA.
They work very close with Be My Eyes.  


                       There was a Q&A  at the end.  


Our next guest speaker will be John Finch from Abled United which are
savings accounts for the disabled .  Milano is a professional and already
has an Able account which lowers his taxes.  There are no income

A Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Maria at 11:49 am and Joyce 2nd.
Everyone was in favor of closing meeting.


The next Chapter meeting will be Sat. August 12, 2023.



Submited by Dr. Joyce Taylor, VP, NFBF, MSCC


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