Dr. Joyce Taylor dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 19:31:54 UTC 2023

NFBF, MSCC CHAPTER Minutes for SAT., May 13, 2023





AT 10:22 am.


 It was held in person and via Zoom.


Roll Call:  Camille Tate, Pres., Joyce Taylor, VP, Board Members:  Maria
Rigogliosi, Morgan Haslett, Javier Molinares.  

Agenda for Chapter Meeting 

Pledge of Allegiance:  Javier Molinares 


Invocational Prayer:  Joyce Taylor




   Secretary’s Report:  The April Chapter Minutes were accepted as e-mailed.

  Maria made a Motion to accept as e-mailed and Fran 2nd.  The vote was

Camille is still seeking a Secretary and Treasurer.  


Treasurer’s Report:  Our opening April balance was $1,337.27.  There were
not many transactions; however, we paid $12.83 for Ink. I have not been
doing the printing of Newsletters lately, so we may choose to do away with
the Instant Ink Program and buy as needed.  I have not had an Ink shipment
in 8 or 9 months due to the fact that I am not running low.  There was one
credit for Membership dues for $30, which leaves us with $1,354.44 in our


Our opening Savings account balance for April was $1,544.34; plus 6 cents in
interest.  Joyce made a Motion that we accept the TREASURER’S Report and
Nancy 2nd.


Note:  Camille spoke with PAYPAL and IRS trying to figure out why PAYPAL was
not WORKING.  Camille was not able to figure out from documents received
from previous Treasurers from the beginning of the Chapter (Sarah or Joe and
Arlene).  I will continue to look through papers given to me by Nancy and
figure it all out.


Second note: There will   be a large deposit in May because of monies
received at the end of April.  


President’s REPORT:


New Business: 


An open Convention Planning meeting was held on June 4th.
Pre-Registration and Banquet fees have been set.  $25 to Register and $50
for Banquet.  After Sept. 5th, there will be an additional $5 charge each.


We are still working on google forms, the hotel link and code are available
- $115 plus tax per night.  We don’t know if Affiliate is paying for one
free room for each Chapter as they usually do; however, if they do, my VP is
my Aalternate; so, see her to share the room.  San additional room may be
approved if fundraising goes well.  Last year, Morgan was a first-timer and
was reimbursed for his room.  Same sex on rooms unless married or couples.
We are still working on workshops; the Agenda and the Donation Letter will
be discussed today.  This Letter was sent to the Board for review prior to
today’s meeting.


:  We will edit and prepare for Letterhead and distribution later in the


Camille discussed the various zoom calls that take place and all are invited
to join on the calls.  If you need assistance to get on calls let me know
and I will arrange.


Discussed Greyhound and the need for better transportation.


Auction Basket and Raffle for State Convention:  A budget of $225 was
authorized by Board; A donated gift card (Amazon) and three additional items
were purchased for Auction basket and one item will be returned; also
purchased one item for Dollar Auction.  We are doing a HIS and HER STACATION
SPA SET.  For HER, we purchased a 9piece vanilla coconut Bath and Spa Set
which includes Shower Gel, Body lotion, two bath balms, exfoliating loofa
gloves, Body butter, Lip balm, etc. in a compact wooden basket; and for HIM,
WE HAVE A   7 PIECE Toiletry Bag:  Shower Gel, Body lotion, etc. Sandalwood
and AMBER SCENT Spa Kit.  We will also add alcohol and a large fashionable
bag to attract the women.  Also purchased a portable Blue Tooth speaker for
Dollar auction; and I only spent $130, and the alcohol may be able to get at
no cost.  We are well under our budget by $95, and we are not obligated to
spend the entire budget.  


HOSPITALITY:  Denise Valkema will open the room on Friday from 3 pm to 7 pm
in case rooms are not available yet; however, because we are co-hosting and
there are surplus members are local; the room should be covered on Fri, also
Meet and Greet is from 9 to 11 pm.  On Sat., we must participate to cover
from 12 noon until 6 pm and again on Sun. from 12 noon until 5 pm.  There
will be additional members and volunteers to assist.  


Next item – There will be a Leadership Conference on Friday morning.  The
Thurs. night room and Fri. lunch will be taken care of by the Affiliate; 2
members per Chapter or Division.  There will also be a Concert on Thurs.
night hosted by the Tampa Chapter.


Next, let’s review the sample donation letter – it was sent via 3e-mail, and
I hope it was reviewed; are there any corrections, inserts, excerpts or
corrections or questions?   

Once sample donation letter is completed on updated letterhead and signed by
President Martinez or myself, I will reach out to Sam’s Club or BJ’s to get
napkins, paper plates, cups with lids, plastic utensils, etc.

Also, this letter can be uploaded online to those establishments requesting,
as well as taken in person with a brochure   on printed Letterhead and one
page about our Chapter.  I will mail to some and bring final Letter to next
meeting.  Let me know if additional info. Is needed.


Next item – World’s Finest Chocolate:  We made a previous Motion to order
six additional boxes of chocolates which will be delivered today for
distribution.  We have Morgan’s candy money, and the rest will be collected


Next item – Elections:  Will take place in August.  The positions that are
up are Vice President, Treasurer, Board 2 and 3.  We need a Treasurer
because I should not be doing the finances as President.  If no one runs
for Treasurer in August, by the end of this year, I will turn it over to the
State because we are in violation of our Constitution and policies of the
Federation.  I am able to appoint someone in August however, Nancy and I
will assist whomever chooses to run for Treasurer.    Also, the Secretary’s
position must be filled as well.  Joyce has been doing a great job, but she
is the VP, not Secretary.             We will work on filling both


Next item – Food in Denise’s absence:    Would the Board wish to authorize a
budget to buy breakfast sandwiches for Sat.? Discussion was held and decided
that Uber Eats would deliver to BHC.  Discussion was held again about where
to order sandwiches and who would pick up.    Maria made a Motion to
authorize breakfast from Dunkin Donuts and Morgan 2nd.  No discussion, no
opposes, Motion carried.  Also, Motion made by Maria that Javier will use
his candy money to purchase breakfast and pick up on the way to meeting; it
was 2nd by Joyce; no discussion or opposers; Motion carried.


Maria discussed the Movies and   Bowling.  Feedback is needed today from
members as to either Monday, Wed. or Fri.  Majority chose Monday.


Also, Joyce will host the June Chapter meeting in my absence.  I will be in
Orlando at the Family Café.


We usually do not have a July meeting because of National; however, I WILL
BE BACK IN TIME FOR THE Chapter meeting.    However, Thurs., June 29 for the
Board meeting seems to work for everyone.


World Finest Chocolates arrived and was distributed accordingly.   Fran
Munno was the winner of the gigantic one-pound chocolate bar.  Morgan’s
friend Howard donated $500. To our Chapter for our fundraiser.  Maria will
send an original thank- you card to Howard.  Morgan also mentioned another
$100 from George ($60 for bars and $40 for donation.  Morgan turned in $560.


Last but not least, Maria has paper bus pass for emergency only.


Nancy made a Motion that we adjourn meeting at 11:46 am and   Fran 2nd.


The next Chapter meeting will be June 10, 2023.

Submitted by Joyce Taylor, VP, NFBF, MSCC



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