[NFBF-Tampa] Fwd: tampa bay chapter meeting minutes august 2017

tampa President nfbf.tampa at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 23:40:21 UTC 2017

Greetings Tampa members and friends,
Please read the below minutes of last months meeting. Please be prepared to discuss and vote on at tomorrow's meeting. Thanks

Miranda b. Kilby
Ph: (352)942-0417

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sherrill O'Brien <sherrill.obrien at verizon.net>
> Date: September 22, 2017 at 2:49:47 PM EDT
> To: mbkilby at gmail.com
> Subject: tampa bay chapter meeting minutes august 2017
> Tampa Bay Chapter
> National Federation of the Blind of Florida
> Chapter Meeting Minutes
> August 26, 2017
> Beef O'Brady's
> 8810 North Himes Avenue
> Tampa, Florida
> Members and guests gathered at 11:30.  After all had ordered lunch, we viewed the audio described and thought-provoking documentary Do You Dream In Color, which has been highly recommended by our NFB's national office.  It features the daily struggles and triumphs of several blind high school students.  We plan to use this documentary as an educational tool, giving the community the opportunity to view and discuss it.
> President Miranda Kilby officially called the meeting to order at 1:30P.M.  All introduced themselves, and there were eighteen in attendance.  Merry Schoch led us in reciting the NFB Pledge.
> Treasurer's and Secretary's Reports
> Dan stated that our current balance is $2,415.57.  He said that through our efforts the chapter received $153.22 from the Lucky Seven NFBF fundraiser.  Miranda said the chapter should be proud that we led the way in raising the most funds.  A motion was made by Merry, seconded by Sherrill, to approve the Treasurer's report.  The motion passed.
> A motion was made by Sherrill, seconded by Janice, to approve the July chapter meeting minutes as emailed.  The motion passed.  Sherrill thanked Dan for writing and sending out the minutes in her absence.
> President's Report
> Miranda said that on the last presidents and vice presidents teleconference, there was a discussion of the meaning of the words "active participation", which are found in our pledge.  She said our chapter has certainly put those words into practice this month.  She mentioned that many chapter members attended and participated in the HART hearing on proposed route changes, the County Commissioners meeting and a chapter board meeting.  She said that during our board meeting we discussed the purchasing of polo shirts.  There was also a suggestion that we obtain a speaker from the organization Career Source to discuss the latest pertinent information on SSI, SSDI, and finding or going back to work.
> Miranda said she had good news to share about the 2018 NFBF convention.  The Suncoast chapter has offered to cohost with the Tampa Bay Chapter.  The convention will be held here in Tampa.  Suncoast chapter president Lauren Blum would like to hold a convention planning meeting right away.  It will be held by teleconference on September 14.
> Miranda won the 50st50 drawing.
> HART Update
> Merry reported on the meeting which was held on August 22 in her office.  Present were chapter members Marion, Merry and Sherrill, who were also representing those concerned with access issues for those with service dogs.  Attending from HART were: CEO Katharine Eagan, COO Ruthie Reyes-Burckard and ADA officer Greg Bracken.  Among the issues discussed were Yellow Cab access issues for those with service animals, confusion and discrepancies between Sunshine Line and HART Plus, and HyperLink inaccessability.  The ongoing problem of bus drivers refusal to make ADA required announcements, both inside and outside the vehicle, was discussed.  Fixed route losses in Brandon were addressed, including the extension of HARTFlex.  Ruthie stated that all HART-Plus riders should be assured of continuing eligibility in spite of lost fixed route service.  Gloria said Greg Bracken had proposed the same thing during that TODAY meeting.  Merry said that this is in writing from HART's last board meeting.  Marion has requested a copy of their minutes.  A motion was made by Gloria, seconded by Merry, that the chapter write a letter on our letterhead, demanding that this proposal be carried out.  Barbara amended the motion to include those using the USF Bullrunner service.  The motion passed.  Marion encouraged everyone to attend HART's monthly board meetings.
> State Fundraiser
> We discussed the upcoming statestchapter fundraiser, this year being called the Holiday Calendar Raffle.  Tickets will once again cost $5 each.  The procedure will be the same as last year, with the raffle being held throughout the month of November, with a nightly drawing.  The person whose name is drawn on Thanksgiving will win $100.  Books of tickets were then passed out.
> Online Compliance
> USF instructor Susan Pierce said that her union has a technology committee which is working on the issue of ADA online compliance.  The committee is requesting input from blind computer users.  Merry said our national office already deals with this issue and provides assistance, and she will obtain information.  Susan said that even if this is in place, the committee would like to have input from blind users.  She will get the information from Rich Senkler, the committee chair, and all correspondence will be copied to Miranda and Paul.
> Meet the Blind Month
> Miranda said that Beef O'Brady's will permit us to hold a Spirit Night event on any night of the week.  Fifteen percent of the tab will go to our chapter, excluding beer and wine.
> Miranda said that for fundraiser pancake breakfasts, Beef O'Brady's is charging nonprits more per plate this year.  Following some discussion, a motion was made by Paul, seconded by Marion, that we hold our Pancake Breakfast the same day as our chapter meeting and charge $8 per plate.  The motion passed.
> Miranda said that she has applied for a grant from Kohl's Department Stores.  This grant awards $500 and sends out volunteers to assist nonprofits.  Miranda thinks we could use these volunteers to help with the pancake breakfast.
> Barbara spoke about the Self Reliance meeting in which she and Paul will participate.  There is a monthly meeting held for people with a variety of disabilities.  She has invited Paul to come to the October meeting during October and speak about technology.
> Several motions dealing with Meet the Blind Month were made.  A motion was made by Marion, seconded by Paul, that he look into our holding an event in Gaslight Park.  Marion will donate the entertainment fee he receives from the city to our chapter.  The motion passed.  A motion was made by Barbara, seconded by Marion, that with the collaboration of Tampa's ADA coordinator, we plan to hold a large event next year, as close to October 15 as possible.  The motion passed.  A motion was made by Merry, seconded by Barbara, that Merry  look into the possibility of getting a van and driver from her church in exchange for a donation.  This would be for the purpose of taking members of our chapter over to the Lions Club event which is being held at their facility in Treasure Island.  The motion passed.  When a count was taken, ten to fifteen members were interested in participating in this event.
> Advocacy
> Marion said that on September 7 the Board of County Commissioners will be considering a new transportation ordinance.  The PTC is being eliminated on December 31.  Marion is urging a proposal that would remove the Medalion from any taxi driver who refuses to pick up a person with a service animal.
> Education
> Marion said he will look into holding a viewing of the documentary Do You Dream In Color at the Tampa Theater.
> Our next meeting will be held on September 23, with a guest speaker from Career Source.
> The meeting was adjourned at 2:15.
> Respectfully submitted,
> Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary
> Tampa Bay Chapter
> National Federation of the Blind of Florida
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