[NFBF-Tampa] Updates on horseback riding activity

Ed Sanders griffsanders at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 22:09:47 UTC 2019

Horse riding on April 20? How much for bumb fire with the hay ride?

On 3/18/2019 3:58 PM, Tampa Bay President via NFBF-Tampa wrote:
> Howdy Members,
> There are a few updates to those who will be attending the horseback
> riding activity. Please find them below and let me know if you have
> any questions.
> •	Horseback riding will be at 4 PM, and the camp fire will start after
> the ride. You can stay as long or as little as you want for the camp
> fire, but the latest pick up time is an 8:30 PM to be ready by 8 PM
> for those who will be riding HART Plus.
> •	Since we were able to get a group rate we must pay as a group. So,
> we will need the remainder of your balance by April 13th. You can do
> this by using the below PayPal link.
> Paypal.me/NFBFTampaBay
> •	Those who will be staying after for the camp fire we will be
> roasting hotdogs and building Smores. We are allow to bring food and
> drinks, but NO glass items. There will be a sign-up sheet at a later
> date, so we all can help in this project.
> •	There are some chairs already there for the camp fire, but they are
> not that comfortable. So you might want to bring your own.
> Again, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
> your convenience.

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