Debbie Malone dmalone510 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 00:19:14 UTC 2021

Hi all
Apparently, several representatives and senators recently changed
their legislative assistants. I am attaching a revised list of email
addresses to send our letters to. Don't forget to copy/paste only 25 or
less into the BCC field and include your letter in the body of the email. I
have already separated the list for you. Be sure your letter
salutation says Dear Representative for representatives and Dear Senator
for senators.
Send this information to anyone you deem appropriate to support our cause.
Call or email me with any questions.
Debbie Malone
dmalone510 at gmail.com

*Debbie Malone*
*InclusionEducation.com *
Amazon Author Page <https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B07RVCRR5R>
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