[NFBF-Tampa] Senior Concerns Meeting for June 2 2022 - Everyone is invited!

glorianfbf at gmail.com glorianfbf at gmail.com
Wed May 25 14:21:36 UTC 2022

Greetings everyone!

You are all cordially invited to the next meeting of the NFBF Senior Concerns

This month we will talk about Social Media. This included things like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even email lists like the one you are
reading. Our special guests are our own seniors who have experience with these
accessible services. We will also talk about apps which can help you when you
travel, for instance, to New Orleans, the site of our National Convention. 

Our meeting takes place the first Thursday of each month, so this one will
take place Thursday, June 2, at 8:00 PM Eastern time. 

Here is a link to the zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99374511935      

The Meeting ID is: 993 7451 1935 

If you are dialing in by phone, Dial one of these numbers:

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) or

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York) 

Enter Meeting ID: 993 7451 1935 

If you are dialing in by phone using a smartphone, use one of these two links:

+13126266799,,99374511935# US (Chicago)  

+16468769923,,99374511935# US (New York)

If you have any questions, my contact information is below. Stay safe
everyone, and we'll talk Thursday, June 2, at 8:00 PM. 

We wish you all the best!

Gloria Mills Hicks, Senior Concerns Committee Chairperson

National Federation of the Blind of Florida


 <mailto:glorianfbf at gmail.com> glorianfbf at gmail.com 


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