[NFBJ] FW: Kunda albums added to A Maggid's market sale and grants for physical activity training/equipment

rybodek at gmail.com rybodek at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 19:34:49 UTC 2024

Hi all,

The Challenged Athletes Foundation and the Foreseeable Future foundation are
currently open for grant applications until the beginning of December. For
both, you can apply for up to $1,500 for physical activities such as
classes, training, and gym memberships. The Challenged Athletes foundation
also has an equipment grant which goes up to $3,500-but if you apply for
this you can't apply for the other grant they offer. See links below to

www.challengedathletes.org/grants <http://www.challengedathletes.org/grants>

www.forseeablefuture.org/funding <http://www.forseeablefuture.org/funding> 


also, see attached and below for updated list and info of the sale A
Maggid's Market is offering with the Kunda Albums added at the bottom.

Have a gut yom tov!

The IBE Team


Hi all,

A Maggid's market is offering a discount to our group for audio books with
the option of getting it preloaded on a USB and shipped to you. You can get
a USB for $2.50+shipping (If you qualify for Free Matter for the Blind, they
can ship it that way) and add any of the books below with the discounted
prices You can either order online at amaggidsmarket.com and use the
discount code IBE or you can e-mail your order to:amaggidsmarket at gmail.com .
As of now, this offer will only be until after Sukkos and we will
re-evaluate if it can continue afterwards based on interest. So take
advantage of this great opportunity as long as it lasts!


*	For the Love of Torah: The Story of R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel, ZT"L Rosh
Hayeshiva of Mir - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	Rashi - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19
*	Maharal - Regular: $7.99, Sale: $4.79
*	Reb Shayele: The Warmth and Wonder of Kerestir - Regular: $9.99,
Sale: $5.99
*	The Vina Goan - Regular: $7.99, Sale: $4.79
*	The Rambam - Regular: $7.99, Sale: $4.79
*	Rav Aharon Kotler - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	The Chasam Sofer - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19
*	Reb Yisroel Salanter - Regular: $7.99, Sale: $4.79
*	The Captivity of the Maharam of Rothenburg - Regular: $6.99, Sale:

Junior Level Books

*	All for the Boss, Young Readers Edition - Regular: $12.99, Sale:
*	Hijacked! - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19
*	The Cheery Bim Band - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19
*	Shpeter - Regular: $4.99, Sale: $2.99
*	Chaimkel the Dreamer - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	StoryLines - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19


*	The Harp - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19
*	Pathway to Jerusalem, the Travels of R' Ovadiah of Bartenura -
Regular: $3.99, Sale: $2.39
*	Pressburg Under Siege - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19
*	Megilas Eicha, New Translation in Verse - Regular: $2.99, Sale:
*	Let There Be Light, Chanukah - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	Tehillim, Translated According to Rashi - Regular: $9.99, Sale:


*	Deep Blue - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	Give Me the Moon - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19

R' Meir (Marcus) Lehmann Books

*	Akiva - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	The Count of Coucy - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19
*	Portrait of Two Families - Regular: $5.99, Sale: $3.59

For Women and Girls

*	Shortchanged - Regular: $7.99, Sale: $4.79
*	Regards from Camp - Regular: $5.99, Sale: $3.59
*	Peninas Plan - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	The Nurse - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	One Hundred Life Lessons - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99

Avner Gold Books

*	The Promised Child - Regular: $5.99, Sale: $3.59
*	The Dream - Regular: $7.99, Sale: $4.79
*	The Impostor - Regular: $5.99, Sale: $3.59
*	The Year of the Sword - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	Twilight - Regular: $6.99, Sale: $4.19
*	The Purple Ring - Regular: $7.99, Sale: $4.79
*	Envoy from Vienna - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	The Marrano Prince - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99

Short Stories

*	Stories with a Twist - Regular: $7.99, Sale: $4.79
*	Visions of Greatness - Regular: $1.99, Sale: $1.19
*	Too Beautiful - Regular: $9.99, Sale: $5.99
*	Sparks from the Torah, Sefer Devarim - Regular: $4.99, Sale: $2.99

Shmuel Kunda Albums-generally they are $9.99 per album and Insight Beyond
Eyesight participants can have a 70% discount:

The Longest Pesach

The Magic Yarlmuka

When Zaidy was Young 1

When Zaidy was Young 2

The Talking Coins

Where's Zaidy

The Royal Rescue

The Incredible Dreidel of Feitel Von Zeidel

Boruch Learns His Brochos

Boruch Lerns about Pesach

Boruch Learns about Shabbos

Boruch Makes a Simcha

Papa and the Prince

There's Zeidy

The Daring Disguise

Searching for the Magic Yarlmuka

The Miraculous Menorah

A Ton of Mon

Zeidy's Great Idea


More Albums made by fans of R' Shmuel Kunda ZT"L:

When Zaidy was Young 3

Boruch Learns about Sukkos

Boruch Learns about Chanukah

Boruch Learns about Purim



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