[Nfbk] Brailler Clerk

Cathy cathyj at iglou.com
Tue Aug 3 14:45:38 UTC 2010

Good Morning All,

I am trying to get to the bottom of a roomer that Doug Condoron got the
position as Brailler Clerk at Jeff County. I was told  by someone at KSB
that Doug told him he got the position. I AM FURIOUS! I knew they were up to
something. I have called Doug a couple of times and he is very evasive. I
asked him point blank last Thursday and he mumbled something that sounded
like "I don't know". Then used the age old excuse that someone was at the
door and he had to go. I have half a mind to forward this email to him. I
have also emailed a couple of other informants to see if they can shed any
light on the subject. I guess NFBK will need to formulate a plan. As soon as
I can confirm the appointment I will be calling Dr. Maurer. I know there are
a couple of VI teachers on this list. I know your are loyal to our cause and
I appreciate that very much, but NFBK can't let this situation go
unchallenged. Knowing the two of you as I do, I believe you will agree.


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