[Nfbk] Greater Louisville Holiday Party Invitation!

Nickie Pearl njp at twc.com
Sat Nov 10 15:44:34 UTC 2018

Good morning !

If you are anything like me, you can not believe it’s already November.  In 2 weeks we’ll be in the throws of Christmas season.  Which brings me to this...

Everyone is invited to join the GL chapter on Friday December 7th, for our Holiday party.  We will meet at our normal place, 224 East Broadway, from 6pm till 9pm.  We ask everyone to bring a holiday dish, treat or drink.  We also ask that you let us know what you’ll be bringing so we do not have duplicates.

Santa Claus will be dropping in for a few minutes to bring joy & gifts to all the kids.  If you would like your child to receive a gift from Santa, please purchase a gift, wrap it, make sure to put the childs name on it & then give it to a GL board member when you arrive.

We’re not leaving out the adults. If you would like to participate in the adult gift exchange, here’s what to do.  Purchase a new item, $ no more than $10, wrap it & bring it with you.  There will be a fun game to go along with this gift exchange. 

Final details for our Holiday giving. Are being made.  As soon as I have those details, I will pass those on to everyone.

Happy Holidays!

Nickie Pearl
njp at twc.com 

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