Cathy Jackson cathyj1949 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 00:05:23 UTC 2019

Attention All Students!
I am forwarding you this email because your participation in the passage of
the Our AIM High Bill, HR 5312 is critical. Please read carefully and do
your part. Thank you for your help.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Johna Wright <johnawright98 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 12:00
To: Cathy Jackson <cathyj1949 at gmail.com>
CC: <trishak.nfb at gmail.com>, <nabs.president at gmail.com>


I am writing to request your student membership’s participation in a very
important initiative for the National Association of Blind Students. Please
forward this message to all students. As of Friday, AIM High, or H.R. 5312,
was dropped in the House of Representatives! This bill works to create
guidelines for accessibility standards in higher education, and now we need
to share our stories with Congress so that they know the importance of this
bill to the success of blind students everywhere!

We would really appreciate your contribution by writing a short testimony
about a time you faced an accessibility challenge with educational
materials and what the passage of AIM High would mean to you. You can
submit your statement here: https://forms.gle/VdQ3i33BkpHwUYDr8

Our goal is to get at least 3 testimonies from every state by December 23. We
will be sharing these stories with your representatives on social media, by
email, and in person. Here is an example from NABS Secretary Mausam Mehta.

“Last August, I was really excited to dive into the prerequisite coursework
for my perspective program at the University of Virginia. As a sophomore,
pursuing a degree in business and economics, I quickly discovered
significant access barriers, primarily in the form of inaccessible
instructional systems in accounting that I could not use independently with
my assistive technology. This forced me to rely on a sighted counterpart to
input my work, frustrating me to not be able to fully take charge of my
academic aspirations. Unfortunately, this issue is not unique to
accounting. Inaccessible materials are a preventable reality for blind
students, and right now, our representatives have the power to take an
important step in reducing these barriers across the country. I strongly
urge Congress to pass AIM High (HR5312) to ensure that blind students, like
myself, can be competitive applicants for top programs without the
lingering question of access slowing us down.”

Please reach out to me directly at johnawright98 at gmail.com with any

Thank you so much for your investment in our movement!


*Johna Wright*
Board Member | National Association of Blind Students
A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind
johnawright98 at gmail.com
(706) 962-2613
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