[NFBK] NFB2020 Rookie Round-Up and Agenda.

Nickie Pearl njp at twc.com
Mon Jul 6 15:24:10 UTC 2020

Good morning!
Even though we have one week till the NFB National convention officially begins, the Rookie Round-Up is tomorrow evening, Tuesday July 7th.
Traditionally Rookie Round-Up is geared towards first time attendees of a NFB National convention, however this year is something out of the ordinary. 
Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend Rookie Round-Up to get the latest updates on this virtual national convention, as well as information regarding how to participate, voting and so much more!
Take this week to look over the agenda, make a list of the division meetings, sessions, times for Independence Market and everything else you may be interested in. A big key to this virtual convention is going to be your organization with your time and knowing what you want to attend, those start times and having the ZOOM meeting information handy for connecting.


Nickie Pearl
njp at twc.com 
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