[NFBK] NFB Scholarship Orogram

Cathy Jackson cathyj1949 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 02:08:32 UTC 2020

Good Evening All,
 This is an unusual school year indeed because of COVID -19 Schools,
colleges, and universities have closed their doors to in-class learning.
Instead it appears that everyone has gone to online courses for the
remainder of the semester. But this does not mean that the NFB scholarship
program has gone off track. It is full steam ahead.
If you or someone you know is a high school senior planning to enter
college this fall, already in college working on your undergraduate degree,
or maybe a Masters or PhD program, I want to remind you that the deadline
to apply for an NFB scholarship is March 31st. Go to our NFB web site and
find the application. Be sure to read it carefully so as not to miss any
details. I would hate for someone to miss out because he or she didn’t
follow the directions carefully. The student must be legally blind in both
eyes with best correction. The applicant must contact me for an interview
as part of the application process. I can be reached at 502-366-2317.
The 30 finalists that are chosen will spend an amazing week at our National
convention in Houston, Texas, July 13th to July 20th. The amount of a
scholarship could range from $3,000 to $12,000. But there is so much more
to gain than the scholarship. Remember,  you can’t be a winner if you don’t
Let’s all get busy and spread the word about our scholarship program.
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