[NFBK] Website User Name and Password

Todd Stephens todde.stephens at windstream.net
Mon Mar 13 02:29:33 UTC 2023

Good Evening:


Please note that our website is now: https://nfbky.org. To register or get
to the login page, type:  <https://nfbky.org/become-member> Become a Member
| National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky (nfbky.org). You must know
your user id and it is case sensitive. If you have forgotten your user id
and/or your password, please let me know, so that I can advise our Web
Master, Phil Seif.


You can reach me at todd.stephens at nfbky.org <mailto:todd.stephens at nfbky.org>


Thank you and have a good evening!





Todd E. Stephens, First Vice President

NFB Kentucky 

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