[Nfbmd] Walking Tour of Annapolis

SUSAN POLANSKY sepolansky at verizon.net
Sun Oct 10 00:19:34 UTC 2010

                                                           WALKING TOUR OF 
Saturday, October 23nd in connection with the NFB of MD State Convention
For youth ages 9 -18. Anyone age 16 and older must show photo ID to enter the 
State House and the Naval Academy
Advanced registration is required by October 9, 2010
Registration is limited to 15 youth.I give permission for my child \children to 
participate in The Walking Tour of Annapolis, a Maryland Parents of Blind 
Children (MDPOBC) sponsored event on Saturday, October 23, 2010.
I release the Maryland Parents of Blind Children, its Officers, Board of 
Directors, and Volunteers from responsibility should my child be injured in any 
way while participating in this event.
Youth and chaperones will meet in the hotel lobby at 11:45, and leave the hotel 
at 12:00 PM to go to a fast food restaurant for lunch prior to the tour. 
Watermark Tours Four Century Walking tour will start at 1:30 PM, ending at 3:45 
PM. The tour will be guided by a costumed “colonial” guide, starting at the 
State House and ending at the City Dock area with the Naval Academy being part 
of the tour along the way. This is a 2 and 1\4 mile walking tour which will 
occur rain or shine. Appropriate clothing and shoes should be worn. 
Participating blind youth must use their canes. Age appropriate siblings and 
other age appropriate youth attending convention may also register. Youth will 
be supervised by adults who will be encouraging good cane technique and offering 
pointers along the way.
Register by returning this form to MDPOBC, 7 Todd Court, Thurmont, MD 21788. You 
may also register by calling Susan at 301-271-2710 or email at 
sepolansky at verizon.net. If you register by phone or email a signed permission 
form will need to be received prior to the event [can be signed the day of the 
event]. Cost payable to MDPOBC: students  $4.75                     
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