[Nfbmd] FW: Shawn Abraham-Stipend Request Info

Ringlein, Ellen ERinglein at nfb.org
Fri Jun 27 17:00:47 UTC 2014


From: Abraham, Sherly [mailto:Sherly.Abraham at fda.hhs.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 12:56 PM
To: Ringlein, Ellen
Cc: 'shawnabraham21 at gmail.com'
Subject: RE: Shawn Abraham-Stipend Request Info

Hi Ms. Ringlein,

As discussed yesterday, please see below a letter written by Shawn requesting stipend for the Buddy program.  We truly appreciate NFB's assistance in this matter.  I have also marked my calendar with NFB MD convention date where Shawn will be doing his presentation on his experience at Buddy Camp.

Thanks again,

June 27, 2014

Dear Ms. Ringlein and NFB scholarship committee members,

My name is Shawn Abraham. I am a ninth grade student and totally blind. I would like to make a request to you for a stipend to attend the buddy camp at Louisiana Center for the Blind (LCB) this summer. I really hope to learn a lot from going to the Louisiana Center for the Blind. The buddy program teaches independent living skills, which is something I really need to learn. I also hope to improve my braille and cane skills there. I am also looking forward to learning how to cook: I really think this experience will help me become a more independent confident blind person. Also, this will be my first time flying on an airplane by myself, something I'm looking forward to.
Thanks you very much for considering my stipend request.


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